Show Scores n Stuff Week 5
A fifth show has decided it wants to try and be good this season. I'm thankful. I'm even more thankful that Breaking Bad is coming back in less than 100 hours. Yessssssssss. 1. Railgun S [1]: Kuroko...
View Article奇跡の虹 : Kiseki no Niji, the Rainbow of Miracles
Why is Kuroko's hair blue while Aomine's is black? Tetsuya Kuroko (黒子テツヤ) : 黒 (kuro) = black Daiki Aomine (青峰大輝) : 青 (ao) = blue All the other characters have the correctly-colored hair: Ryōta Kise (黄瀬...
View ArticleEcchi Sketchy!
So I recently just finished two ecchi shows: To LOVE-Ru Darkness and Samurai Bride. However, I enjoyed To LOVE-Ru much more than Samurai Bride. Why? I think this is more than just "one show was better...
View ArticleExample #245: Nobel Berserker
This is the Two-hundred-and-forty-fifth week of using the "Perfect Anime Girl Sheet". Notice: This Blog may contain Unmarked Spoilers. Welcome back readers, to my weekly blog! I'm feeling much better...
View ArticleMy Top 50 Anime/Manga/VN Character Write-Ups Part 2 (The Top 10)
10.Joseph Joestar (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 2: Battle Tendency) Oh man, as far "non-realistic" shounen fighting series go this guy is BY FAR my favorite. He mixes being fabulous and being...
View ArticleFavorite to least airing anime
1. Free! Literally the only anime that I'm excited to watch every week. It's so fun and puts a huge smile on my face. Everyone is cute and likable. 2. Shingeki no Kyojin I'm not that interested in...
View ArticleHajime no Ippo - 22 Episodes down! SO AWESOME!
Man, I absolutely LOVE this show, so damn exciting. All my feels are fully engaged when watching this show. It's funny, in a way you wouldn't think a boxing show would be worth the watch. Don't be...
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