This is the Two-hundred-and-forty-fifth week of using the "Perfect Anime Girl Sheet". Notice: This Blog may contain Unmarked Spoilers.
Welcome back readers, to my weekly blog! I'm feeling much better from my meganekko day blog, and don't worry as most of that crying was just for entertainment value.
: *ahem*
Oh, I figured that they'd know who you were, Riri. If you'd like I can introduce you again.
: As much as I'd enjoy that, didn't you forget to do something last week?
What's that?
: What about your GUEST BLOGS
OH! I did completely forget. Luckily copy and paste is here to pick up my slack!
Hello fellow readers. I see you're enjoyingyou've enjoyed emperortopaz's Fifth Meganekko day special. For the past three years, I had a few guest bloggers enter their fan blogs, which were posted here. It was an enjoyable occasion for all, and it was interesting to see everyone's opinions.
However, some people weren't able to write blogs, or just want to write more blogs! Well, here's your chance! Until the day prior to the approximate fourth-year anniversary of this anime blog (November 28, 2013), I will be accepting fan work to add to that day's blog. Just send me your blog sheet through MAL messages (or other means of contact, as well!), and I'll add it to my listing.
Some stipulations may apply:
Only void on Earth.
Entries will only be accepted if in English.
Nude or otherwise NSFW images are not allowed. Remember to add the Head shot that I usually use in the introduction. Other images are optional, but appreciated. You will have to host your own images, however.
A single user can only send a maximum of 10 entries.
For shows that I have not watched, please keep spoilers to a minimum.
You may choose any score to give a girl. However, you must explain your choices.
I am the final say to whose entries make it or not. (Note: there has been no problems, but I must always be careful).
When sending messages, take care you do not over-stuff my mail.
The rules may change.
That's it for the week everyone, thanks for coming!
: TOPAZ! You didn't even write about a girl today!
Eh, I'm feeling lazy this week. Next week I can do two of them.
: But it's the birthday special for one of your closest friends! You don't want to disappoint Zettai!
You're right! I have my honor to keep, and a friend's girl to blog about!
: There you go!
Just one question, can I still do two girls next week?
: Er, go for it?
That's great then. The only problem is, who to blog on. You see, he's followed in my footsteps and has created his own blog. I don't want to ruin his stories (which are fantastic and awesome) by bringing up a girl he likes!
: You could do one from one of his favorite series instead. He might appreciate that.
True, but even then there's the problem that he really likes a certain character as well and I'm fairly sure that he'll blog about her eventually as well. *looks through other characters from that series* And none of these are jumping out at me... WAIT! There's one! Get ready everyone, today we're looking at...
: Huh, and I'm surprised that you didn't pick one of the meganekkos...
Am I really that predictable....
: Yes. (Darn it Ririchiyo, that was a rhetorical question!)
Hair: Allenby's hair is short, barely reaching her shoulders in the back. Overall she also has a somewhat messy hairstyle, with the kind of bangs that stick out. It was a big fad in 90's anime, I guess. I'm not a huge fan of the style myself, and it doesn't help that she has short hair. The color is somewhat different though, being a light blue or teal color. It seems that's a Scandinavian trait as she's not the only character to have an odd hair color. In addition, her hair also turns reddish-tinted when she's berserking, but more on that later.
Grade: C+
Eyes: Allenby's eyes also look pretty nice most of the time, though they do look dated now. It seems a lot of 90's shows seem dated, but I guess that in ten years people will call a lot of the shows "derpy" due to the abundance of moe series. Getting back to Allenby though, her eyes do look nice at times. They're a bit too "sharp" looking for my tastes but it's not too big of a problem. She does have eyelashes, and in the corner of her eye as well. Her eyes are also green, which is a good color as it's both realistic but not overused in Anime (and I do like green).
What I DON'T like is Allenby's eyes when she's in berserk mode. They are, literally, some of the worst eyes I've seen. Color-wise I mean, as her eyes for the most part retain their shape. But what I dislike is that the whites of her eyes turn red and frightening while the green pupil shrinks down to a small size. She just looks like a monster or alien rather than a person with that kind of eyes. Which, to be fair, was probably the intention, but it's still off-putting. There's also times when the pupil completely disappears so her eyes glow red and intense, and to put in perspective I don't mind THAT as much as her "normal" berserking.
Grade: C
Face: Once again I'll use the words "90's anime" to describe Allenby's face. Though it will be the last time I'll say that this blog, so if you're tired of that it'll get better. Fortunately for Allenby though, G Gundam is not as exaggerated as a lot of other 90's shows. Thus, her cheek isn't hyper-extended or anything, so she's a lot cuter than a most 90's girls. It's a simple, cute face that can still hold up today. She also looks great hot-blooded, and given that this is one of the best series for hot-blooded heroes she fits right in!
Grade: B
Build: From what I've heard, Allenby's height is 155 cm and her weight is 40 kg. I'm not sure how official that is, but I figured I'd mention it. Overall she's got a nice body, with a thin waist and tight-looking features. Because of her outfit (which I'll get to shortly) it's not like Allenby can hide much either. Her legs are pretty shapely in a muscular way as well, leading up to her rump. It doesn't get as much attention as Rain's, the female lead (nor Natasha, the Russian meganekko who shows off her bare bottom while bathing), but Allenby has her share of butt fanart as well. And it does look nice, though I do wish we'd have seen more of her transformations. The only downside is that her waist looks a bit too thin for the rest of her body, but on the other hand a thin waist just makes her butt stick out more and that can't be too bad!
Grade: A-
Breasts: Allenby's chest is modest, but it's not like she's flat either. Her chest is probably perfectly proportioned to the rest of her body and I wouldn't change it. I'd like it a bit bigger, but she's perfectly acceptable how it is.
Grade: B
Clothes: Allenby's casual wear includes a sleeveless blue body suit with a pink vest over it. She also wears pink shoes and gloves as well. It seems easy to fight in, but it also seems like she'd be cold up in Neo Sweden in that outfit. As for her Gundam uniform, like many of the other characters she wears a skin-tight outfit that seems easy to move around in. While that sounds sexy, remember that MOST of the other Gundam fighters are guys, so it's just her and Rain that look great in it (to me, at least). The design of her uniform includes blue, white, and red in a pretty nifty design. She has a big yellow ribbon on her chest as well. She also has a ribbon as an attack, giving her the appearance of a rhythmic gymnast. She also has an antenna on both shoulders, as that's how they steer the Gundams in this series.
Speaking of her Gundam, since it could be considered as "clothing" I'll describe it a bit. The Nobel Gundam (or, in English because we're idiots, the "Noble" Gundam) has what I'd assume to be a fairly unique look. Because, frankly, it looks JUST like Sailor Moon. Okay, so TECHNICALLY because the "hair" is long and free it's probably closer to Sailor V or Sailor Venus, but you get what I mean. If you're not familiar with that, think of the standard blue and white sailor outfit with a red bow on the chest. That's basically what this Gundam seems to be wearing. It even has a feminine figure! AND HEELS! But you know what? It doesn't seem THAT silly for G Gundam. After all, this is the series where there's a Mexican Gundam with a sombrero and cactus and the Spanish one is nothing but a giant bull's head. A magical girl isn't THAT bizarre, and it helps that the Nobel Gundam is colored like a lead Gundam as well (a mix of reds, whites, and blues). Allenby also operates a second Gundam, but I'll leave that a secret...
Grade: B
Personality: Allenby was an orphan that was recruited/kidnapped to represent Neo Sweden in the 13th Gundam Fight. However, she was treated cruelly in order to design the perfect Gundam fighter. She spent the majority of her life training. She's a pretty powerful and graceful fighter in her own power, but they have a secret weapon as well. As said before, Allenby has the ability to go berserk. Her "mission control" uses radio waves to turn her into a savage beast, increasing her power by 120%. Despite this, she's still a fairly nice girl in her free time. She's a bit of a tomboy though, and likes getting into fights (though would likely prefer Gundam fights than actual ones). The system is eventually broken by Domon who claimed that she didn't fight with "soul" and wanted a REAL battle. Allenby lost that battle, but probably felt great that she was back in control and through it she got quite close to Domon. The two had a lot in common, both being hot-blooded yet honorable fighters. They eventually become training buddies, putting a strain on Rain who is Domon's love interest and childhood friend (even if he didn't realize the first). I'm not sure if Allenby MEANT to be a flirt, but it did sort of seem that way to Rain which is unfortunate. From what I've heard, Allenby seems to resemble Four Murasame, of Zeta Gundam, in looks and backstory (though the opposite in personality), but I can't be too sure. Later on in the series Allenby becomes one of the "Four Heavenly Kings" of the villains, mostly against her will. She was also chosen to drive the Devil Gundam, but that was given to another character instead.
Overall I do like Allenby and she was probably one of my favorites of the Gundam fighters (though there were a lot of awesome ones, of course). It's just a shame that we don't see her until the finals or so (her first appearance was in episode 30 out of 49), but that's still a good enough time to make her likable for her cheerful hot-blooded personality and somewhat sad backstory (it's not that it's not sad, it's just that they don't spend a lot of time focused on it, which I do like).
Grade: A-
Libido: Allenby certainly has strong feelings for Domon, the male lead. Both as a love interest and a potential rival. She does understand that Domon doesn't feel the same about her though, and pushes him to understand Rain more. She even says that if he didn't she wouldn't be able to fall in love with anyone else BUT him.
We also see hanging around with Kyral, a redeemed villain, near the end. I would HOPE that they weren't a couple and they were just working together, but it's not like most of the other male leads were available either.
Grade: B
Age: At seventeen, Allenby is one of the youngest Gundam fighters in her respective tournament. She's also the only female to make it to the finals as well.
Grade: A-
Total Grades: 73
Average score: 8.1
Final Grade: B
: That's a lot of words about a Gundam girl. Is there anyway you could have compressed them further?
Why yes, now that you mention it. Perhaps you'll get a good sense of what Allenby is like from this video. After all, actions speak louder than words!
: That's oddly specific.
That's why I felt the need to put it in the blog. Consider it a special bonus.