K-391 - Everybody
A la base ce blog était là afin que je puisse faire n'importe quoi mais je trouve que depuis un moment c'est devenu un poil trop sérieux ! :P Alors pour rétablir le fait que je fais absolument ce que...
View ArticleMy ten favourite pieces of fiction
#1 Subarashiki Hibi (Visual Novel) It is very difficult to put words to what has been the most powerful story in my life. SubaHibi is a brilliant fusion of excellent storytelling, characters, and...
View Article~ Hall of Featured Art ~
~Things you need to know~ 1) This is a record of all the Past "Featured Art" that have been on my profile! 2) You can click on the picture to be redirected to the artists pixiv! 3) The 335 x 343...
View ArticleTop Anime 2015
1.] Aoharu x Kikanjuu The story follows high school student Hotaru Tachibana, a girl disguised as a boy. Through strange circumstances she finds herself drawn into the world of survival games by a...
Milestone 1st anime: Sakurasou no Pet no Kanojo 100th anime: 1st manga: Tokyo Ghoul 100th manga:
View ArticleCharlotte Episode 7
Spoiler alert. If you haven't seen this episode yet or this show even stop reading at the end of this sentence and go watch the show its great. Now on to the topic at hand, episode 7 wow what a twist...
View Articlecharlotte
Today I watched episode seven (I think) of charlotte, I was enjoying the anime when episode 6 slapped me in the face. the little sister was about to get killed by this stupid yandere girl. I was on the...
View ArticleQuibbles
Every season in anime has it. There isn't a single season in anime where ecchi and harem aren't present. Why is this? Yes, this will always be present in anime whether anyone likes it or not. No, it...
View ArticleRider - The Wolf's Bride
Master: True Name: ??? Title: The Wolf's Bride Gender: Female Height: 110cm Weight: 23kg Alignment: Chaotic Neutral STR: E END: B AGI: A MANA: B LCK: C Personality: Class Skills: Magic Resistance:...
View ArticleNᴀᴠ ♚
View ArticleSummer's over.
Just finished watching an anime called Date a Live and Date a Live II. Found out a movie was coming out on the 22nd of August. Which happens to be 2 days before school. I think. I don't want to go back...
View ArticleDigimon Stories Suck (Most of the Time)
There was a time when we had a great Digimon season filled with not just memorable characters (any character can be memorable to anybody given the right amount of fan-pandering), but characters with...
View ArticleAnime Popularity ! :P
Yop tout le monde ! Il est 0h45 au moment ou j'écris ces ligne et il est possible qu'il y ait probablement quelques fautes d'orthographes par ci par là... ^_^ De plus je suis en train de me rendre...
View ArticleIndias by itsalana
http://itsalana.deviantart.com/ http://itsalana.deviantart.com/art/Indias-369323818 "The idea was to compare a Brazilian Indian/ native brazilian (references: guarani) and a native american (references...
View ArticleStray God (Noragami)
Alright I know, a little late... but I've been busy because I started school, and let me tell you, my teachers, don't realize that I have 6 other classes than theirs and since I'm in my 'toughest' year...
View ArticleOMG Gatchaman - An Anime Reference?!
Gatchaman is an amusing anime all right, but in episode 6, there was a Tsuritama ref (that fishing one)! omgomgomg >w< wwwwww
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