Alright I know, a little late... but I've been busy because I started school, and let me tell you, my teachers, don't realize that I have 6 other classes than theirs and since I'm in my 'toughest' year of high school that's why I haven't uploaded. Also, I have been learnig to drive so don't blame me. I think I have yet to update my list of manga....
Alright, why I like Noragami, since it's on top of list... Well let's take take on how or where I found out about Noragami...
I have the app Pinterest, and I look at anime things or manga too and one day my feed? was filled with Noragami pictures and fanart and I was woah it looks cool. I saw a boy with blue eyes and I was attracted right away. Then I went on Hulu Plus because they have a TON of anime and I saw it but they only had 2 episodes, me, knowing that no anime has only two episodes. Therefore I decided to look it up and when I read the description it attracted me even more. I think the part where I think it said 'But behind Yato's kind-hearted face lies a twisted past...' that part is what made want to watch it. Then, I saw that Netflix had full episodes all 12 and I didn't hesitate to watch it.
I right away fell in love with the first episode. It was hilarious and I love the artwork. As I watched more episodes, Yato had a sad back story and I like the angst I guess. That Yukine was blighting Yato. By the end, it right away become one of my favorite animes. I also learned it had a manga.
When I read the manga, the first chapters were like anime. I still read all the way. Later, I kept reading further chapters and I liked the arcs. It was still funny and I loved the story. Obliviously, there are more chapters for the manga. I could say more but I don't want to spoil things for those who haven't watched it. I like Yato's eyes okay?
What Noragami is about is (I copied and paste the descrption from
"The world consists of two parts: the near shore and far shore. The near shore is the place where people reside, while the far shore is the place for deities and ayakashi, which are emotional fragments that can posses humans and cause trouble. So it is a deity's responsibility to remove those ayakashi from the near shore with the help of weapons called Shinki, made from the spirits of dead people.
Yato is a minor deity of war without shrine. Together with his Shinki, Tomone, he runs a Delivery Wish Granting Service, granting wishes for only 5 yen. After his Shinki leaves him on less than agreeable terms, he decides to run simple errands that do not involve ayakashi-related matters. While on a mission to find a lost kitten, he is nearly hit by a bus, but saved by a girl named Iki Hiyori. Hiyori dies for a moment, but then comes back to life. This, however, causes Hiyori's soul to become unstable, leaving her body frequently. So by offering 5 yen, she asks Yato to fix her body... but Yato cannot help without a Shinki, so Hiyori accompanies him on his journey to find one, in the hopes of becoming normal again. But behind Yato's kind-hearted face lies a twisted past"
The reason why I didn't say what each episode is about or made a summary of my own is because I don't want to spoil things for other people. This is completely my bias.
It had a story and all buttt one things i didn't like is that I had to read the manga to literally find a lot of the anime miss a lot important details. Hopefully in the next season they cover a lot of that missing info.
I loved the action it had when they were fighting. I also liked again, the artwork it had clear and nice. Smooth and well done. I can see both genders of females and males liking this anime/manga. It has a mix of both girl and girl themes since there's action but the girls could like Hiyoki's perseverance and bravery. Or Yato's sense of humor or how cares deeply for his friends. Takes place in modern Japan. There wasn't a character I didn't like I like all even if they were a little annoying. Yukine got my nerves few times through both the manga and anime. There was no romance what so ever. Only in friends zone haha I'm happy though because I can't really see as a romance anime and manga.
Phew! a lot. Alright, that's it, if I missed anything comment below and i would happy to comment back.
8/16/15 or 16/8/15
~Xoxo A
P.s. when I heard that Noragami was getting a second season and it was confirmed I fangirled real bad and it was the highlight of my day. I'm happily waiting until October. :)