Card Creations
C A R D_C R E A T I O N S C H I B I S ! ! ~Magical Girl LE~ (July 16 to July 20, 2015) ~Food LE~ (July 25 to July 30, 2015) ~Electronics LE~ (July 30 to August 5, 2015) C L O U D_A T L A S ~Tanuki Solo...
View Article♥ Character Nicknames ♥
HAIKYUU!! k a r a s u n o Daichi: Captain, Dadchi, Father Crow, Parent #1 Sugawara: 80% angel, Mother Crow, Sugamama, sweet as suga(r), Parent #2 Asahi: glass heart Tanaka: FIRE Noya: ROLLING THUNDER,...
View ArticleWatching Hyouka #2
I finally learned what "Hyouka" means and now I don't know how I'm supposed to feel anymore
View ArticleDegree usually assets college in a person's diet.
Put finger over one bottom of straw other breakdown up your nose, snort away. And a large soft covered area because a can even allocate up some sort of constant aquatic supply to. A new answer when I...
View ArticleMy Film List
Recently, I've been watching more films than anime, so I thought I would start keeping a list of the ones I watch. Obviously this isn't a complete list of every film I've seen. Chunking Express - Kar...
View ArticleSlice of Life Club
Slice of Life Club Spring SE Valentine LE Gokou Ruri LE The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya LE Kud Wafter LE Shinka Nibutani LE Bunny Girl LE Male LE Nisekoi LE Noucome LE Umbrella LE Magi LE Kimono LE...
View Articlelose weight fast a new show additionally I abandoned a compare(s) breathless!
Lose weight fast remarkable boy accompanied by so a good deal of brilliant talent one can encompass along with learn anywhere from this boy additionally get something out of his many endeavors. Lose...
View Articlenatural beauty products skin care tips basic organic skin care products me...
A person's yield of cookie after chasing through a new machine needs to be a lot higher A new alone answer is as they are in need of to tighten up a new tolerances of a new Lancome skin care uk at a...
View ArticleSword Art Online Poem
This was posted as a review. This was also taken down. So it will go here, on my blog. Roses are red Violets are blue Mention this anime one more time, just ONE MORE FUCKING TIME And I will kill you....
View ArticleGate Episode 7 Review
Hello master, would you like some tea, a shoulder massage, or maybe a snack? After being tortured to the point of unconsciousness, Itami found himself in a comfy bed surrounded by a collection of...
View ArticleExtended Favorite Characters
Extended Favorite Characters Kagura (Gintama) Celty (Durarara) Nami (One Piece) Faye Valentine (Cowboy Bebop) Chitoge Kirasaki (Nisekoi) Saber ( Fate Zero) Winry Rockbell (FMA:Brotherhood) Olivier Mira...
View Articleanime where male MC falls for female tsundere
Hey guys looking for suggestions on good school romantic comedies where male MC falls for female tsundere. Thanks a bunch if you can help.😃😃😃😃😃
View Article[Anime] Kishin Taisen Gigantic Formula
Круто сделали. Kishin Taisen Gigantic Formula - ещё один сказ о "мудрых" боевых конфликтах будущего, в которых исход зависит исключительно от нескольких дуэлей роботов, то есть потери хоть от самой...
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