Review Anime "Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann"
NOTA: 6 "TENGEN TOPPA GURREN LAGANN NO ES ÉPICO" Yo para poder considerar que un Anime es digno de llevar el titulo de "Anime épico" solo necesita cumplir un único e importante requisito Es tan fácil...
View ArticleJ-Stars Victory Vs - Jeux Vidéo
Aujourd'hui un article taille XXL ! :D On va présenter un jeu qui sort en fin de mois, le 26 Juin pour être plus précis et qui s'annonce terrible, il s'agit de J-Stars Victory Vs. Alors déjà qu'est-ce...
View ArticleDagasy
Began and got current on Dagasy this morning. Interesting series, imo. it seems there is a lot of mysterious elements behind the scenes that they will slowly unveil which could be an impressive...
View ArticleEpisode Discussion Drinking Game!
Just a silly little game for us to play ;) Take a sip -Every time you saw 'OMG didn't expect that 0_o' and it's variant. -Every time someone ending their post with a rating. Example '4/5. Need more...
View ArticleMy Favorite Characters
My Favorite Characters Mam dziwne preferencje co do lubienia bohaterów 7 - pochodzi z Monogatari Series 6 - w większym lub mniejszym stopniu powiązana jest z czasem/pętlą czasową 3 - bardzo polubiłem...
View ArticleISML Aquamarine Period Round Two - Entry 695
This year my favorites are Holo, Nagato Yuki and Takanashi Rikka. I don't expect any of these three to win. Yuki and Rikka might make the final 16, but Holo didn't make the final round last year. But...
View ArticleAnime about manga
So, this spring I recently came across lots (OK, three, but to me the situation makes it seem like more) of anime that revolve around many a and the many a industry. 'Sekaiichi Hatsukoi' gives us a...
View ArticleJournal Entry #1
another day without a job... I look at my paper fold "Creeper" and hoping it would explode and end my misery -ended up watching Evagelion series + movie (it was a bad idea) oh well
View ArticleInternational Saimoe League 2015 Aquamarine Period
Aquamarine Period — Day 1 ARENA 01: Kuriyama Mirai [Minami Kotori] ARENA 02: [Kurousagi] Terminus Est ARENA 03: [Nishikino Maki] Latifa Fleuranza ARENA 04: Yazawa Nico [Onodera Kosaki] ARENA 05: Sakura...
View Articlehusbands
☆ aladdin gareki jafar judal daiki aomine soul eater evans hayato gokudera kyoya hibari kotetsu t. kaburagi toranosuke miyamura haruka nanase makoto tachibana ☆
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