Just a silly little game for us to play ;)
Take a sip
-Every time you saw 'OMG didn't expect that 0_o' and it's variant.
-Every time someone ending their post with a rating. Example '4/5. Need more Dick Suck.'
-Every time Stark700 is the one who's starting the thread.
-Two sips if he's not the one who's starting the thread.
Take a shot
-Every time you saw someone acting like a tsundere. Example "It's not like I keep watching this because I like this anime. Ba-baka!'
-Every time a fan is trying to explain a 'plot hole'.
-Two if said fan succeed in doing so.
-Three if said explanation lead to a long wall of text of a discussion
-Every time someone is acting like an obnoxious bastard.
-Two is said person is a hater of the show.
And finally....
Finish your drink if 50% or more of the thread is people complaining about the show, yet they still come back to watch the next episode every week.