Save me.
Today, May 26th 2015 is the day when I failed my major subject again. It hurts to say this but I've failed this twice now. It seems my efforts were not enough. I don't know what to do with my life. I'm...
View ArticleCriticize.
You know, I've always criticized people who think negatively. I hated it when people say their life is bad cuz hey, I was like...there's more to life. But I's time for other people to...
View ArticleTears.
It's been quite some time now. More like a few hours and a couple of minutes. It still pains me that things aren't going good and about my failures. I told my grandma, my aunt and uncle, my sisters and...
View ArticleGIRL NEXT DOOR / Drive Away - Music
Yop, une petite musique que j'ai retrouvé perdu dans mes favoris et que j'écoutais énormément à l'époque (bon en fait c'était y'a deux ans au plus :D) Mais ce qui me fascine aujourd'hui c'est oui déjà...
View ArticleMAJ - Profile's Picture
Yeah, après de longues heures de recherches sans compter les heures de montages, la nouvelle photo de profil est enfin arrivé. Enjoy it ! :D Noter la simplicité de cette image qui n'a rien a envié aux...
View ArticleAlone.
Sometimes, having time with yourself is good. Silence, space, time... I don't know with you or other's but during my times alone, I feel comfortable. It's during these times that I think, Life is...
View ArticleSkarferior
*laugh* Surprise!! Hahaha ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪ Never thought I'd write about you eh? XD hahaha Well, I just notice you have been commenting on most of my blog posts. Hehehe, it's something simple but it made me...
View ArticleUpdate on The Otaku Diary
So I'm sorry guys for not posting on "The Otaku Diary", I'm still lazy from finals studying and stuff. Overall, I'll post more later and shit.
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