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View ArticleGods bless small online gaming communities!
16 V, saturday, 8:14am I had a blast yesterday - I met up with some online friends, spent the afternoon getting started on drinking my ass off while playing tekken and board games at the pub. After...
View ArticleAnime: Spring 2015
These are the anime I'm watching in the 2015 spring season: - Diamond no Ace Second Season - Plastic Memories - Ore Monogatari!!! - Arslan Senki - Kekkai Sensen - DaniMachi - Owari no Seraph - Mikagura...
View ArticleHirunaka No Ryuusei (SPOILERS)
I finished this ages ago and found myself smiling uncontrollably for the next few days. Obviously, there are the Sensei and Suzume shippers and then there are the Mamura and Suzume shippers (including...
View ArticleSo Much Watchlist, So Little Time
Like I've said to friends before, one of the perks of being a nanny is that when it's just the younger kids and nap time comes around I usually have a solid 2 hours or more to just relax. A good chunk...
View ArticleThings i Like and Dislike
Favorites : -Chill and Calm people -Motivated people. -Tsundere MAL members who`s actually a fun-loving person in the inside. -Perverts. -A person who likes all kinds of anime and he already knows the...
View ArticlePersonality tests and my seemingly inherent 'poo flinging'.
Today I took some personality tests. I've gotten 2 different results so far. 1 other that was different as well, but not today that is. I was biased in every single question. The first result I had was...
View ArticleOtaku Life, Entry 1
Recently I have been hoping for something. Something big. This seasons anime has brought me much pleasure, Shokugeki no Souma, Owari no Seraph, Plastic Memories. These anime are delectibly amazing I...
View Article[Anime] Himitsu: The Revelation
Солидное во всех отношениях аниме. Быстро смело мой первоначальный скептицизм насчёт главной задумки. Она казалась сомнительной даже не потому, что такая видео-память уж слишком неправдоподобна и до...
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