Favorites :
-Chill and Calm people
-Motivated people.
-Tsundere MAL members who`s actually a fun-loving person in the inside.
-A person who likes all kinds of anime and he already knows the flaws of anime he likes and why it is not perfect.
-A person who likes LOTGH.
-A Person with developed taste in anime.
-A person who loves Dank Memes.
-A person who claimed that Cory in the House is the best anime ever.
-MAL Lesbians.
-Chill Elitist who still like moe.
-Anime Expert with good personality who watched 1000+ anime (ex. Higashi_no_kaze).
-Friendly straight-to-the-point people.
-A Person who rate Blame! manga a 10/10
-A Fun-teasing person.
-Sexy MAL users.
-Touhou Fans who doesn`t act like a Fanboy.
-Kancolle Fans who like Kancolle game but dislike Kancolle Anime.
-A Person who likes Saki anime/manga.
-A Person who admit that Anime is Cartoon.
-Girls who are similar to Mayukachan.
-ThatAnimeSnob Clones.
-A person who still like Modern music (because Taylor Swift sucks).
-A person with SAO, Shigatsu and any A-1 Pictures anime on his favorites.
-People who consider their subjective opinions as objective facts.
-Mindless Haters who doesn`t explain why he hate it deeply.
-Ignorant people.
-Shitposters (except Nicoreos because he`s cute).
-Narcissistic person.
-A Person who dislikes Cute girls doing cute things (it means you dislike lovely things).
-Pseudo Try-hard Elitist.
-A person who likes Nisekoi.
-Elitist Overlords who claimed he got Superior taste.
-Calling someone with Shit taste, he`s just wasting his time.
-People who can't trim quote towers
-All Priests from MAL (except WrongPriest, he`s fun to chat with)
-A person claiming his favorite anime as best anime ever and claiming it as Perfect anime.
-A person who likes NTR.
-Narutards (ex. Tsudecimo)
-fst clones (yeah i just left Most Overrated/Underrated club, he annoyed me to death).
-A Person having seasonal favorites and it`s changing in every seasonal anime ever.
-A Person having seasonal waifus and it`s changing in every seasonal anime ever.
-Blind Causals
-Someone joining the Bandwagon.
-A person who`s Overhyping Seasonal anime.
-Person who likes Kancolle but he didn`t play the game.
-A person who rates 1/10 a lot in his anime list (that`s what i called tryhard hater).
-Fat Neckbeards who wear Fedora.
-New Anime fans because they act like Weeaboos.
-A person who cringe a lot, Cringe is for the Weak!
-A person who dropped more than 300+ anime.
-A person who plays Elsword.
And lastly, my most hated MAL member is the one who act like Pseudo-Fanboy by forcing his opinions into fact (ex. Okashi-Sama).