Violation and Ban Policy
Violation and Ban Policy Rule violations are organized into a number of distinct categories and the ban policy applies to each category individually. If a user violates multiple categories...
View ArticleFinding yourself in the anime world
Hey, my name is katherine and I am here to help you find yourself in the anime world.
View ArticlePokemon: 'Anime Physics'
I'm not really a fan of Pokemon games, or its anime for that matter, so my opinion might lack the biasness required to understand the viewpoint of those gamers. That said, I'm a little (okay, a lot)...
View ArticleDaku's Guide To Not Being A Weeaboo Vol. 1
hello newbies and bakas welcome to Daku's guide to not being a weeb First off don't be a fucking idiot and say you have Japanese blood unless you actually do because thats the biggest sign of being a...
View ArticleMy Harem
My Harem Tsukihi Araragi Ruri Gokou (Best Girl) Vert Shion Sonozaki Hitagi Senjougahara Shinobu Oshino Seishirou Tsugumi Koneko Toujou Stocking Anarchy
View Article[Anime] Kouryuu Densetsu Villgust
Фэнтези со звёздным составом как в плане сейю (Ямагучи Каппей, Кёраку из Блича...), так и остальной команды (Акахори Сатору, композитор Ван Писа и т. д.). Смотрится, конечно, шикарно и очень красиво,...
View ArticleMy Extended Favorites
For Anime (I started doing this recently, I will change this entry time to time eventually) Monogatari Series Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica Nichijou Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu Serial Experiments Lain...
View ArticleMy Seasonal Favorites
(I started doing this recently so it will start from the 2014 winter, also I will only write 5 anime here each season) Winter 2014---------Spring 2014---------------Summer 2014--------------Fall 2014...
View ArticleExample #353 Legendary Idol of Smiles!
This is the Three-hundredth-fifty-third week of using the "Perfect Anime Girl Sheet". Notice: This Blog may contain Unmarked Spoilers. *Topaz and Riri are standing outside a television studio. On the...
View ArticleAnime chat group
just started up a new anime Kik group mainly to meet new Otaku friends and to discuss series and also to recommend series to others and such if you're interested in joining this group simply message me...
View ArticleWhat's a good anime that focuses around a couple?
I was looking for an anime that centers around a couple. It can be short or long it doesn't matter to me. I just need some help seeing that i haven't found one yet. Pretty please boo?
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