I'm not really a fan of Pokemon games, or its anime for that matter, so my opinion might lack the biasness required to understand the viewpoint of those gamers. That said, I'm a little (okay, a lot) bugged by the fact that the gamers constantly called the 'anime physics' nonsensical.
Now, don't get me wrong. I understand where the gamers are coming from. The Pokemon world has its own established set of 'physics' in the games, whether it makes sense compared to real world physics or not. The anime shouldn't screw around with that, just like Dragon Ball Z didn't screw around with the manga's physics even though people don't really go 'super-saiyan mode' in real life.
That said.
I find some of the 'physics' in the anime to be quite refreshing, such as the ability to dodge. That introduces a new element to the battling system in an ARPG kind of way, and it does have some strategic value. While it's understandable that some moves that aren't supposed to be dodged were dodged in the anime, chaos theory states that shit happens, no matter how predictable a scientific calculation is. That's real life logic, my friends, and I think it has the potential to give the Pokemon world greater depth... when used well.
I think that's the problem many gamers have with the anime - it's used when it's convenient for the writers. Thus, it's named "anime physics" because anime writers make shit up that makes no sense when it's convenient for the story. Sigh.
But as you can see, there is potential for this sort of thing. I would LOVE to be able to dodge like in a real Pokemon battle instead of relying on some 'chance' statistic (or "Accuracy", even though it relies more on your chance of dodging than actual accuracy). Pokemon games, unfortunately, haven't advanced to that level. It's why I find the Pokemon battles in the anime more intense. When real world logic such as dodging, jumping, or using your environment to your advantage in a battle are incorporated into the battles, it makes it twice as interesting to watch for me. I like variety in my stories.
Now if only the writers would stop wasting such a potential and make it more realistic and unpredictable.