So yeah, I wanted to copy my entry here just in case I delete everything by accident on the original post (editing a long post is scary!). Below is the draft of what I watched/plan to watch, and I'll put a link to the original post here.
Sounds fun!
☆ Starting date: 04/04/2015
☆ Completed anime: 1152 (at sign-up)
☆ Link to your list: Tempalca
☆ Personal Rule: Movies Only (if applicable)
☆ Difficulty: Harder !
☆ Challenge list:
[✔] Watch a movie - Shingeki no Kyojin Movie 1 : Guren no Yumiya RAW (8/10)
[✔] Watch a short anime - Cross Road RAW (8/10)
i.e. 15 minutes per episode or less
[✔] Watch an ONA - Rain Town (7/10)
[✔] Watch an award-winning work - Kappa no Coo to Natsuyasumi (2007 Mainichi Film Award for Best Animation Film) (7/10)
tip: check Wikipedia or AniDB for ideas
[✔] Watch an anime with a character voiced by one of your favorite seiyuu - Rakuen Tsuihou : Expelled From Paradise (Kamiya Hiroshi) (7/10) [The movie was ok I guess, but Kamiya Hiroshi's voice really improved it. I mean, Kugimiya Rie is an amazing VA too, but I don't feel the role did her justice. Frontier Setter on the other hand just beat Wall-E as most huggable robot ever for me.]
» Watch an anime by a director/composer/studio you like - PTW : Tenjou-jin to Akuto-jin Saigo no Tatakai (KyoAni - studio)
[✗] PTW : Aa! Megami-sama! Movie (Uematsu Nobuo - composer)
[✗] PTW : Maroko (Oshii Mamoru - director)
» Watch an early work of an established anime staff member (10+ roles) - PTW : Lupin III: Cagliostro no Shiro (Miyazaki Hayao : his first work as Director, if I'm not wrong)
» Watch an anime that started the year you joined MAL or later - PTW : Scryed Alteration I : Tao (2011)
[+] PTW : Scryed Alteration II : Quan
[✔] Watch an anime that meets the ½(your age) + 7 rule - Ouritsu Uchuugun : Honneamise no Tsubasa (I'm 28 so : ½(28) + 7 = 21 making it 1994 or earlier and this movie is 1987) (8/10) [The version I watched was probably remastered because it looked pretty good for an 87 movie. I really liked the mood, the theme is so outdated yet still valid... I know that doesn't make any sense but it was a weird slow movie I'd easily recommend.]
e.g. if you're 20 now: ½(20) + 7 = 17, so the anime must have finished in 1998 or earlier
» Watch an anime with a main cast (3+ characters) of only one gender - PTW : Sengoku Basara Movie : The Last Party (male)
» Watch an anime that focuses on non-romantic relationships - PTW : Flanders no Inu (Movie)
[✔] Watch an anime with children in it - Stand By Me Doraemon (8/10)
» Watch an anime with a non-human main character - PTW : Heisei Tanuki Gassen Ponpoko (Tanukis)
» Watch an anime about sports
» Watch a mystery, dementia OR psychological anime - PTW : Kara no Kyoukai : Mirai Fukuin (mystery)
[✗] PTW : Shoujo Kakumei Utena : Adolescence Mokushiroku (dementia)
[✗] PTW : Darkside Blues (psychological)
» Watch an adventure anime - PTW : Coo : Tooi Umi kara Kita Coo
[✔] Watch an anime about food, music OR art - Nitaboh (music) (8/10)
[✗] PTW : Hana Yori Dango (Movie) (art : dance)
[✗] PTW : Oishinbo : Kyuukyoku Tai Shikou, Chouju Ryouri Taiketsu!! (food)
[✔] Watch a historical OR military anime - Glass no Usagi (historical) (6/10)
[✗] PTW : Blue Gender : The Warrior (military)
[✔] Watch a slice of life OR comedy anime OR romance - Tamako Love Story (romance/comedy/slice of life) (8/10)
[+] Minami no Shima no Dera-chan
[✗] PTW : Shin Kimagure Orange☆Road: Soshite, Ano Natsu no Hajimari (romance/comedy/slice of life)
[✗] PTW : Marmalade Boy Movie (romance)
[✔] Watch a horror, sci-fi OR fantasy anime - Gyo (horror) (7/10) [WTH did I just watch?!]
[✗] PTW : Toki no Tabibito : Time Stranger (sci-fi)
[✗] PTW : Harukanaru Toki no Naka de : Maihitoyo (fantasy)
[✔] Watch an anime that is tagged with a genre you dislike - Sora no Otoshimono : Tokeijikake no Angeloid (ecchi/harem) (7/10) [There was barely any ecchi and the harem is questionable so I might need to get another entry for this]
[+] PTW : Sora no Otoshimono Final : Eternal My Master
[✔] Watch an anime that does not take place primarily in Japan, but is still within our universe - Nasu : Andalusia no Natsu (Spain) (8/10) [Turned out unexpectedly good]
[+] PTW : Nasu : Suitcase no Wataridori
» Watch an anime that has a main character that is a professional in his field (e.g. doctor, detective) - PTW : You're Under Arrest! The Movie (police officer)
» Watch an anime with an archetype as a main character (e.g. megane, tsundere) - PTW : Persona 4 The Animation : The Factor of Hope (megane)
» Watch an anime with a character/setting that you can relate to
» Watch an anime one-/two-/three-cours (or more) in length (easy/medium/hard)
» Watch an anime adapted from a manga with a score of 8.0 or higher - PTW : Touch : Sebangou no Nai Ace (manga score : 8.48)
[✔] Watch an anime adapted from a novel, light novel or video game - Sekaiichi Hatsukoi Movie : Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai (light novel) (7/10)
[+] Sekaiichi Hatsukoi : Valentine-hen
[✗] PTW : (game)
[✗] PTW : Akage no Anne : Green Gables e no Michi (novel) RAW
» Watch an anime that has been adapted to live action - PTW : Perfect Blue
tip: check this club for ideas
[✔] Watch an original anime - Santa Company (6/10)
[✔] Watch an anime with a score of 7.0 or below - Shouwa Monogatari (Movie) (Score : 6.54) (6/10)
» Watch an anime ranked in the top 300 - PTW : Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Arata Naru Tatakai no Overture (Ranked : #217)
[+] PTW : Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu : Waga Yuku wa Hoshi no Taikai
» Watch an anime that someone on your friends' list rated a 10 - PTW : Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica Movie 3: Hangyaku no Monogatari (by billybob300c)
» Watch an anime with less than 5k/10k/20k/30k completed members (harder/hard/medium/easy) - PTW : Venus Wars (3,427 members - less than 5k)
Challenge related
» Watch an anime recommended to you by another Anime Watching Challenge participant - PTW : Omae Umasou da na (by Ranoom)
[✔] Watch an anime that another user has watched for this challenge - Stranger : Mukou Hadan (by JOAOAA) (9/10)
» Watch an anime recommended to a title you scored the highest for this challenge (so far) - PTW : Juubee Ninpuuchou (highest rated so far being Stranger: Mukou Hadan with 9/10, could change)
» Re-watch an anime - PTrW : Neon Genesis Evangelion : Death and Rebirth (probably the first anime I watched subbed, I changed the language by accident on the DVD. I remember thinking Anime isn't just for kids)
tip: preferably something you watched early in your anime career
[+] PrTW : Neon Genesis Evangelion : The End
» Watch an anime that starts with the same first letter as your username - PTW : Touch 2: Sayonara no Okurimono (starts with T, just in case)
» Watch an anime that has a non-Japanese title - PTW : Appleseed (Movie)
[+] PTW : Appleseed
[+] PTW : Appleseed Saga Ex Machina
[+] PTW : Appleseed XIII Remix Movie 1 : Yuigon
[+] PTW : Appleseed XIII Remix Movie 2 : Yogen
[+] PTW : Appleseed Alpha
[✔] Watch an anime that has a verb in its title - Momoko, Kaeru no Uta ga Kikoeru yo (Kikoeru : to hear) RAW (8/10) [That was emotionally wrecking]
» Choose a random trope from TVTropes and watch an anime listed under the trope - PTW : Inuyasha: Tenka Hadou no Ken (Big Damn Heroes)
tip: feel free to spam the random button at the top or bottom of the page
[+] PTW : Inuyasha : Guren no Houraijima
» Watch a staff member's favorite anime - PTW : Ginga Tetsudou no Yoru (opernlied's favorite)
tip: and then comment on their profile about it, if you're not shy~