Basically just the notes I wrote down whilst I was watching.
-Main character's first facial expression (smile) is at the end of episode 5.
-Emperor literally grunts when Slaine tells him his granddaughter may be alive. I know Saazbaum warned him beforehand but to have no reaction at all?
-Emperor orders a ceasefire and an investigation into his granddaughter's death, and then because Saazbaum got there first and said Slaine would lie, justifies the renewal of war? What was the point of ordering the ceasefire then? The Emperor thought she was dead before he issued the ceasefire so why would he invalidate it after speaking with Slaine?
-How is the MC always able to figure out a way to beat the Knights when dozens of fully trained soldiers are unable to do a single thing against them? Like wouldn't any of the soldiers be intelligent enough to think about trying a different method instead of getting massacred for the entire episode so the MC can save the day at the end?
-MC and his friend group don't really seem to care about their dead friend. They even make fun of him at one point? I was close to writing this off as a condition of the fragile post-war society they live in but even then it's a stretch.
-Why are the antagonists so blackly evil? It's so over the top and makes it hard to take the series seriously when they're so angry for no good reason. Their hatred is explained later in the series but it's very weak.
-So despite the MC being apparently so intelligent, when Earth is attacked after the Princess' assassination, he goes home and makes food for him and his sister? As if the Earth isn't being bombarded?
=Episode 6 is first time MC fucks up and isn't able to deflect the last missile despite deflecting two, allowing Slaine to show up and save day. (Nitpick)
-A few cases of spoonfeeding the audience too much, such as in episode 7 when the method of deflecting rockets is explained despite it being explained sufficiently as it was happening in episode 6; completely unnecessary.
-Early on in the show, the princess got handed a grenade launcher and somehow she was able to shoot down a drone (or something) with precision. How? She's never shown to have any combat training (apart from throwing MC to the ground in the like first episode or so) and even a trained soldier would've had trouble making the shots.