I just read up on what has been updated in Bleach and after reading those 10 or so chapters and was reminded of why I didn't camp out MangaTown for the next update: it makes no fucking sense.
I used to love Bleach so much. I obsessed over it. The whole IchiRuki shipping (which I still ship to this day), but after the Aizen Arc... the series now feels milked out just like most Shounens have done.
What is the Aizen Arc? Well, it was everything Bleach was (the main plot/manga, not the stupid filler arcs) up until Ichigo lost his powers and couldn't see souls anymore.
THAT whole plot was a stretched in of itself, but it felt to intricately woven together since Aizen planned out that Rukia would go to Ichigo and he would become a Shinigami and everything else.
But then it continued. It could've ended right then and there and I personally would've been fine with that since Ichigo saved the world from Aizen and he can't see spirits anymore. Done. (Although him and Rukia not being together would irk me, but Kubo said that their relationship isn't something he is romantically fixed on in the story, but he does like the pairing.)
Instead, we get more story on fullbringers and quincys and WOOOOOOO his mom was a quincy and WOOOOOOOOO Ichida's dad liked her but she fell for Ichigo's dad like WOOOOOOOOOO. But I feel that that part could have been mentioned in an extra chapter or something because it's lovely backstory. The time skip and character comparisons were refreshing, but weren't needed since I don't think any of us would've thought WOOOOOOOO what would Rukia look like in a year??? had the manga ended then and there.
Enough of that though.
There was a chapter about these two characters that I had zero connection to whatsoever and the backstory was the chapter and I was all WHY SHOULD I CARE IS THIS GOING TO MAKE ME CARE. And it did make me care for those characters because I now KNOW their names after X chapters. Jugo and Bazz.
I teared up at the end of their backstory chapter and that was the first time I actually gave two shits about anybody so far this arc. Props to Kubo because I might just come back 25 chapters down the line to see Jugo's actions.
I believe Grimmjow coming back was a big WOOOOOOOOO to a lot of people and a lot are coming back just to see what he does and I guess it works, but the series isn't a camping out series like it used to be.
So yeah. Just needed to rant a little bit.
Just a thought.
Be safe. Don't die.