Movie Review #1-Jurrasic World
Movie: Jurrasic World (Released June 12, 2015)
Intro: Dinosaurs. What's with these "mysterously extinct" creatures. Even though these creatures are both amazingly interesting, they could also be intense and cause people to either be amazed or be shocked and terrified. Shown in Jurrasic World however, it takes us into years after the Jurrasic Park incident from the first movie to now another reboot from the "Jurrasic Franchise" and how dinosaurs are known as basically a "petting zoo". Only problem is, what might go wrong when an attraction causes chaos?
Plot/Storyline: The movie takes us 22 years after the original Jurrasic park where the Costa Rica area called Isla Nubar (that locates Jurrasic Park) is set. Before that however, it shows 2 boys named Gray and Zach staying on a vacation in Isla Nubar with their Aunt Claire, but due to problems watching over the area, Claire sends them with someone else to watch them while she "patrols" the Amusement Park. Later on however, we follow a guy named Owen that is trained to communicate with dinosaurs. While he was communicating with them however, him and another Security Guard from the Park are surrounded. Owen Escapes and then tries to get help with Claire and the control guards shutting down the area due to problems with the dinosaurs. After finding out that the big dinosaurs are vaporizing the park, Claire also realizes that their "kids" are still out there with the gyro balls as they stumble upon the restricted area and find out that they are trapped with the big dinosaur in attempts to escape, which they do. After they escape however, they're stuck in the Restricted Area where they try to go back to the main area of the park, but with the emptiness of that area, there are still Dinosaurs there. The Kids (Gray & Zach) have to walk around as they find a way to get back to the park, they later on find a jeep that they fix to escape to the entrance which they find Aunt Claire and Owen waiting which leads to the final Dinosaur fight where later on it ends with the underwater dinosaur eating the giant dinosaur. The aftermatch is that all the guests are in a shelter as they are treated and Zach and Gray are reunited with their parents as they leave it at that. (B+)
Characters: I really like the development between both the Dinosaurs and the Park Employees. With the Dinosaurs, Owen really communitcated with both the Raptors and narrowly talked to the Big Dinosaur that was LITERALLY about to eat him. I also like the development with Aunt Claire with both the communication people from Jurrasic World and the family of Gray and Zach even though they didn't look like they had much development. I like it a lot. Not only the development I liked, but I also liked the acting, Chris Pratt (who also acted from Guardians of the Galaxy and The Lego Movie) put on a very satisfying performance with the cating and I really think he played the role of Owen very well. Same thing as Bryce Dallas Howard, she isn't an actor who gets most credit, but she really did very well with her performance as Aunt Claire. The other actors were very good as well, even the Antagonists did pretty good with the acting and I think it was very satisfying performance. (A-)
Cinematography/Direction of Film: The Direction of film really made it look like I was actually going through the experience in Jurrasic World. The Director Colin Trevorrow really made the film how it is, I really like how he made the screenplay and as well how the entire film looked. It had me attached and I LOVED IT! Big props to him and he also hasn't been noted as a director since he only did 1 other movie called "Saftey Not Guaranteed", but that's a story for another time. The Cinematography was well done and I give a lot of props to how the effects were, especially the Dinosaurs making them look very realistic just like the original Jurrasic Park. I give them a lot of Credit. (A)
Pros (Stuff I liked): The Characters were balanced, the Cinematography was very much in detail, and the overall FEEL and atmosphere was very much in check and I give them a lot of credit on how they took the direction after JP3(Jurrasic Park 3) and Lost World.
Cons (Stuff I disliked): I didn't like the end as much as I expected, and sure I'm a bookworm and I read the original Jurrasic novels so I might be biased, but I really wanted to see the Aftermatch after they reunited with their parents and what will happen to Isla Nubar after the incident. I also didn't like the performance and character of Ty Simpkins (Gray), his character at first look so out of it and he really didn't impress me, but later on through the movie I did give him a pass for his character actually caring about her brother. But still, not very substantial...those are overall some things i don't like, the rest are nitpicks and they're smally noticible so...yeah.
Final Thoughs: It is worth it. After seeing an early screening of it, I wanna say IT IS WORTH IT! I really like how this was done and I really hope that you can go see it too. It's not on the likes of "greatest movie of all time", but it's one of the best in the Jurrasic series. I guarantee you will like it and hopefully you go check it out!
Final Grade: A- (I would give it an A, but I still love the Original Jurasic park which I gave an A+ more than this one, but still, it's my opinions)
[Other than that, I'll post a review on my channel: OtakuWithGlasses later on today. Anyways, thanks for checking out this review! it means a lot to me :3]