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Example #341: Daybreak Assassin

This is the Three-hundredth-forty-first week of using the "Perfect Anime Girl Sheet". Notice: This Blog may contain Unmarked Spoilers. Oof! *Topaz gets set down in the middle of the arena in the Colosseum. Many fans are cheering him on.* Man, it seemed like I was in transit for a week or so! Averageninja: The Colosseum is quite far away from the Gunpla arena. Shortninja: Don't forget to add your stupid review as well. That's right. Otherwise people will be confused! Not that I get many readers though... But anyway: After defeating Kirara's Gunpla tournament last week I was captured by ninjas. They seem to be serving Aldra, for whatever reason, and brought me here. : That's right, false Emperor! *Aldra walks out on her balcony.* Aldra! Why have you brought me here? : Oh? Is it not a tradition for you to battle in the my Colosseum in July? Well, I suppose but... : Besides, let's say that I have other... reasons... *A dark wave flows inside Topaz's body. He falters, but the audience doesn't notice. Well, except for one girl...* : Topaz doesn't look that great out there for some reason. I'm glad that I made it here in time, though. *She cups her hands and screams at Topaz.* : You alright out there? Well, I am about to fight three ninjas. About as confident at winning as I am at suddenly sprouting wings. Tallninja: Don't worry, this will be a series of one-on-one battles. Do I get to fight Aldra at the end? : Of course, I'll always battle the champion. You'd better make it through all the battles though! So who are the Shadow Triad, or what ever you called them. : You've heard him girls, it's time to reveal yourselves! *Topaz gets a grin on his face.* : She doesn't mean like that, you pervert! Curses! Tallninja: Well then, as Aldra states... Averageninja: ...We are the Shadow Triad, but... Shortninja: ...We are also the TDB Ninjas! *Tallninja removes her hood and cloak.* : Tall! *Averageninja removes her hood and cloak.* : Dark! *Shortninja removes her hood and cloak.* : And I guess Bishoujo! *The three pose in an epic position, and fireworks with a glowing sign that says "TDB" on it sparkles in behind them.* : That seems overly dramatic. And I hope no one is offended by a certain character being, well, "Dark"... : What? My hair is black while Akatsuki has blue and Kaede greenish-brown. What other reason could you be thinking? : ..Nevermind. So who will I be blogging-er, fighting- this week with? : We haven't decided yet. : We could go in TDB order. : What fun is that? Let's play paper rock scissors! My friend even told me a fun new way- *Akatsuki glares at her.* : -or not... : I could see a regular janken game working. : Alright then, let's get going-de gozaru! All three: One, two, three, SHOOT! *The three do a standard match, with Homura and Kaede both throwing Scissors while Akatsuki gets rock.* : Harumph! Noobs! : Huh? Did you just pick on our breasts? : No no no, she said "Noobs", not "boobs". I'm not sure what those are, but I've heard Chisame speak of "pwning" them online-de gozaru. : Oh! I think I've heard Mirei say the same thing on online message boards. What does that mean, Akatsuki? : I-it's just another word that means amateurs, *Aldra slams her fist against the throne arm.* : This foolishness has gone on long enough! Defeat Topaz! (But keep that demon inside him alright. I want to use it myself). : Whatever you wish, mistress. *Homura and Kaede vanish into the sidelines, while Akatsuki remains in the center of the arena.* If I'm going to be fighting you, then I might as well say that...
Today's girl is: Akatsuki from Log Horizon
But then again "Akatsuki" is just a screen name. Isn't your name actually... : DON'T SAY THAT! I suppose not, that would be a spoiler that the anime doesn't say. *cough*ShizukaHanekura*cough* *Akatsuki knees Topaz in the face, causing him to take 5 damage.* : May I kick him in the face, Aldra-dono? : Of COURSE! It's a fight! What, did you expect me to say “no”? Don't worry, it felt somewhat good... : PERVERT! FREAK! HENTAI! Wow, and it usually takes until I finish my blog before the girl says that. Right, Riri? ... Riri? : Your assistant ran out and left you to endure my wrath! I'm sure she'll return once the blog is over, so let's begin! Head Hair: Akatsuki has really great hair. For color it's a blue or violet color, though mainly blue, and a darker shade which I really like. She usually keeps her hair up in along, thin ponytail that reaches her knees or so. This also is the haircut she has in real life, though we don't see too much of that. She doesn't usually have a fancy holder, but did have one when she went to the ball. When down, which she does on occasion, it seems to be really wide, wider than even her body so you can see her long hair from the front even. I imagine that the ponytail is to keep her from it getting in the way while fighting or sneaking around xD. Her sidetails are also really long at first, reaching her chest and being great in general too. Sadly she either puts them up or cuts them, but they're still chin-length which is about what I ask. Finally, Akatsuki's biggest strength in this area is also her biggest flaw. She is, of course, a beautiful hime cut loli. The problem is that it's a very messed up hime cut, with the bangs being different lengths and she even has one bang crossing over in the opposite direction! Her bangs also fan out, not that I mind but all in all it's a shame as Akatsuki could have done much better! Grade: A- Eyes: The art style of Log Horizon is pretty unique. The eyes in particular show that, and Akatsuki is no different. That's not to say that her eyes are bad, I do like her tsurime, but she does have a large pupil. Or at least I think so as her eye is one large gradient it seems, with a small dot in the center. Not that it's bad, of course, and I'll add that pretty much all the character's eyes have the same pupil style. I absolutely love her purple eyes but do note that there's a difference. She also has a strong tsurime though it seems to be stronger in the first season (I blame changing studios for the worse). Sadly I can't recall a moment where she wears glasses, a shame considering how many characters wear them. She could have stolen Shiroe's glasses for a joke, though I guess she's too respectful for that (maybe just have “air glasses” like a few other characters did). Grade: B Face: Akatsuki's face is fairly simple and doesn't have too much detail. It's acorn-shaped which fits her really well, and as usual I like her small nose. In general most of her facial features are the perfect size for me, though I suppose her cheeks could use a bit more softness (though that's personal preference. I can still say that her face fits her nearly flawlessly). She also has cute blushing moments and really awesome expressions at times. In general, while she could use some small changes she's nearly flawless and beautiful already. Grade: A : Hey Topaz! What? : THINK FAST! *Akatsuki throws a few kunai at Topaz. He's able to avoid by a hair's breadth, but is unharmed.* Come on! You can't just throw a knife! *Topaz looks up at where Ririchiyo was positioned and sighs.* And here I was looking forward to a joke about how she should save it for Zeromus... : I thought that was the spoon... But There is no spoon! Wait no, that's the Matrix and not Elder Tale. *Akatsuki sighs and starts bouncing around the Arena, nearly disappearing she's running so fast.* Hey, what are you doing? : Doing my taxes. What do YOU think?! *She flashes back and forth, dealing 15 damage to Topaz.* Ouch! Well then, it's time for me to strike back! *Aldra sits up further in her throne, excited for Topaz to show his fiendish side. However, instead he uses his Mimicry ability to summon a microphone.* La la laaaaa~ *The crowd covers their ears and boos.* : Your singing may be terrible but it doesn't cause me anything less than a slight discomfort! Curseeesss~ : Stop him from singing this instant, Akatsuki! Or I'll NEVER free your "villain in glasses" from my crystal prison! So that's why you're fightiiinnggg~ : Yes, I have to obey Aldra for now. But once I defeat you I'll get a chance to fight her for Shiroe's freedom. So stop singing your idiotic song! Only if I can fiiinnnishhh this bloogg~ : Fine then, but if you go into too many details I'll knee you in the face again! That doesn't sound too terrible, but I'll try to be reserved. Body Build: The first thing I'll mention was that Akatsuki's character was original male. No, I don't mean in the concept stages or anything, she actually had a male avatar. Thanks to Shiroe's potion she was able to transform into a suiting avatar for herself. Not much to say, though this was treated a lot quicker than a certain idol trap... Anyway, back to the superior Akatsuki. She's really beautiful. You see, every so often there will be a loli whose amazing beauty, hime cut, and general greatness even affects a big breasts-lover like me (though I'm not as terrible at that as I once was). Akatsuki is one such girl. She's got a beautiful, lithe body that makes it easy for her to sneak around. I can't really compliment her loli body enough, it's fantastic. The only problem is that she doesn't show it off as much as she could. About the only time is in the second season's ED where she's napping on her stomach and we get a good glance at her butt curve. It's a shame though that she thinks being short is a problem though. She is shorter than Shiroe by over a head, and Minori (who is a younger rival) is a bit taller, not counting Akatsuki's ponytail. Akatsuki is even short in real life, as she has a younger sister that's taller than her (though sadly her sister mocks her by calling Akatsuki the “younger” one). But that leads to one good thing about this. They actually give a REASON for Akatsuki to have a size complex. Yes, unlike girls who moan about having smaller chests or a loli figure Akatsuki has a good reason. Due to her size she's had to fight hard to both be taken seriously and not be just a “mascot” due to her small size. Not only that, but she was also bedridden for a few days from despair because a middle school boy confessed to her thinking she was his age. She was in college at the time. Given her poor reaction I won't mention this under “libido” but... kukuku~ *Topaz grins, but Akatsuki knees him in the face for an additional 5 damage. She flusters cutely in anger.* : Stop making me sound like a creeper! Fine then. To finish up her body I'll say that while she does have a really grand loli figure I'd prefer if we got to see it more than we do. Not like a nude scene obviously, but imagine getting a cute imagine spot or eyecatch of her showing off her loli body in a cute swimsuit! Though I guess I should keep that for her “clothes”. But first... Grade: B- Breasts: We have to do Akatsuki's obviously worst area. I'm sorry to her and all beautiful DFC girls like her, they don't deserve to have their score taxed in this area. Do know that, despite her score, I do love Akatsuki's DFC as it fits her very well. Grade: D Clothes: Akatsuki wears a variety of outfits, but her main one is her combat outfit. It consists of a sleeveless dark blue top with red highlights with similar-colored blue arm warmers, sadly baggy brown pants, and either blue boots with markings or oddly-shaped sandals with long blue socks. I do like how the top seems tight as it shows off her flatness well (again I consider it one of her strengths) while giving her the flexibility to move easily. And to be fair it was first equipment for a much larger person which explains the baggy-ness. Later on her equipment improves and she gets a lot more red. She also loses the pants for SPATS and pseudo-absolute territory but we still don't get a lot of service. Overall I like her outfit and I'll add that we see a few pieces of equipment. She gets the Haganemushi-Tatara dagger in the second season from a blacksmith she knew and it has the ability to slowly wear down the opponent's weapon. It even has flavor text specially for Akatsuki! It says "May this serious and righteous girl never fall to the wrong path; May both the sword and the girl support each other; to fight against evil curses and the suffering of the world.", if you were wondering. Akatsuki also has a few other outfits. Her casual outfits are cute, usually being a simple t-shirt and pants. She also gets the newlywed's apron, though sadly she wears it over clothes and not for a bit of hadaka fun. She also has a few outfits that Henrietta forces her into. These include a summer dress, a waitress outfit, and a kimono (and probably others I can't think of). I do like her cleaning outfit, even if her hair is up in a headband. Her shirt is a tight black sleeveless one that shows her midrift though sadly she wears her baggy pants (she needs spats like Ririchiyo did). She also wears a brown heavy winter coat on the moon-er, that makes a lot more sense in context but it's still a cute outfit for her. Grade: B- ==Meanwhile== *Riri is somewhat tearing up against a wall.* : I can't believe that Topaz would to a blog on HER! He knows my feelings on that character. She's so much like me that I can't help but be intimidated! W-what if Topaz wants her to replace me... *Riri raises her head.* : No, I've got to show my support for him! Plus if he defeats her maybe he'll come back to me! *Riri starts to walk off, but runs into a girl.* : Hey! Where are you walking? Girl: Oh, pardon me. I'm blind. : Er, sorry about that *Bows slightly* I was having a bit of a crisis... Girl: Not to worry, I heard what you were concerned about. Do not feel threatened by this new girl. : B-but Topaz likes her so much! Girl: And do you really think he is so shallow that something small like this would make him choose her over you? You need to believe in yourself more! The world may hand you some misfortune, but just remember to make lemons into lemonade! : Topaz told me that as well, but I thought he just wanted me to squeeze fruit with my butt and thighs... Girl: Hee hee, sounds like you really know this "Topaz" fellow. I would like to meet him someday. : Well, I'm sure that after the battle he'd love to talk to a girl as... curvy.. as you are... Girl: Well, thank you for that. If you ever need me, here's my address. *She writes it down beautifully and hands the note to Riri.* : Alright then, I'll go and cheer for Topaz! *Riri runs off, with the beautiful blind girl standing in place. After she's out of hearing distance, the girl whispers something.* Girl: Please, let Topaz be the one to defeat Aldra... Mind Personality: Akatsuki is a deep character. As thanks for handing over the gender-potion she gains undying loyalty to Shiroe, even calling him her “lord”. She acts like his informant, spy, and ninja due to her Assassin class and Tracker subclass. She's very skilled in sneaking around, though it's not as useful in areas where using abilities are forbidden (such as in the guild house). That said she does feel like she's falling behind by the second season, even though she's still very action-oriented and bad ass. She feels this way because she tends to adventure alone and not with a group to do dungeons. That's perfectly alright, but she does fall behind item-wise. Through training by herself she does learn the Shadow Lurk Overskills (which weren't originally in the game), which means she can multiply into many copies. At the start of the series she's level 90, the pre-expansion level limit. After nearly a year or so she's still only 92 or so, I have to wonder why they level so slowly in Elder Tale. : Hey, we had other things to do than level! Like, you know, SURVIVE! But still, way back in my WoW days you could easily find enough quests to level in a day! Even at high levels! : That's because Blizzard babies you and shoves a million quests at you in the starting zone, we didn't have something so easy! Fine then, but you're still leveling really slowly... Outside of battle or sneaking Akatsuki is a great character as well. She has a somewhat solemn or serious expression most of the time, but that's a plus in my book. I really like her kuudere-ish personality, or maybe she's a small-DB. She's also shown traits of being an honor blade, though her weapon is a dagger rather than a sword (so many great archetypes). She also seems to have some kendo training. She's a great girl who is also awesome! Her seriousness really shows off how cute and funny she is. As far as her voice goes, she's voiced by Emiri Katou who did characters like Kagami from Lucky Star or Kyuubey. Overall she does a great job with Akatsuki's voice. Grade: A- Libido: Akatsuki's libido is a bit mixed. For one she's the main one to punish Naotsugu for his perverse ways, even causing him to call icicles falling on him the “Akatsuki Curse” at one point. She's also toyed with by Henrietta, a meganekko, but that's more because she thinks Akatsuki is really cute. Instead, Akatsuki's main relationship is with Shiroe. He's the lead and she definitely does love him. She even gets dressed up for a date with him, though her love rival Minori also went with them. Minori gives Akatsuki a bit of trouble as she's more forth with her relationship, making Akatsuki question her love. It doesn't help that Shiroe is one of those dense-type of main heroes, giving both girls difficulty. Luckily it seems like Akatsuki might be in the lead though she should “reverse” the “lord” and “servant” roles. Overall she has a nice libido I'd say, but she should stop attacking Naotsugu (he has enough problems with his own relationship these days). Grade: B- Age: As I said back under “Body” Akatsuki is much older than she looks. Not only is she a college-age girl (which everyone in-series is surprised about as well) but it may be said that she's 20 as said by volume 5 of the light novels (maybe). Her birthday may also be July 7th. Grade: A+ Total Grades: 74 Average score: 8.2 Final Grade: B And that's the blog for this week! : Wait, this is the same as that curvy Kirara we stole you from last week! Right, that shows how much I like you Akatsuki! : My lord... : AKATSUKI! Don't let his powers trick you! Or you'll never get Shiroe back! : You're right! And now that your blog is finished I'll finish YOU off! *Topaz giggles.* : THAT'S IT, Shadow Lurk! *Akatsuki leaps into the air and creates illusionary doubles of herself. Luckily Topaz has aid coming too, as Riri sits back in her seat.* : I know you can avoid her attack! Though it's a shame you don't have electric powers... That's true, it would be helpful. Any other ideas? : I don't know, perhaps you were given something for just an occasion? Hmmm... *Topaz shuffles around in his pockets but eventually finds something helpful.* : It's too late for you! *The Akatsuki clones charge at Topaz, but he's able to deflect their blows with an item in his hand. Once the clone attack stops Akatsuki finally figures out what it was.* : A ruler? That's right! Given to me from the ancient leader Sousou this ruler is reinforced with genuine Chinese craftsmanship! See, you can even read “Made in China”. *The ruler snaps in half after that assault.* Yep, genuine Chinese craftmanship... Well, I do guess that Overskills have a knack for breaking the rules. : Booo! *Crowd boos.* I thought that was a pretty good joke though... : That's because you're an idiot! Well, unfortunately I'm all out of mana so I can't use any stronger abilities, but since you don't have any more defenses I'll slay you quickly! *She charges at Topaz who avoids her lunge. However, he trips and takes Akatsuki down with him. Topaz manages to sit up, but she's laying across his lap. This gives him a great idea.* I know exactly how to punish a girl like you! : NO! Have mercy! *Topaz lowers Akatsuki's pants and panties to expose her bare loli butt. He then smacks it, making her moan out as her rump becomes red. After some time she manages to stand, pulling her pants up and runs out with a blush.* : You may have w-won this time Topaz, but I'll be back to exact my revenge! I'm just glad that Shiroe-dono did not see this embarrassing scene, and you're even WORSE than Henrietta! *Crowd cheers for Topaz's victory as Akatsuki leaves the arena.* : Would you look at that? Topaz managed to defeat ONE of my Shadow Triad. Perhaps he'll have a harder time with this next girl... Whose next? : Hehehe, you should know that after the daybreak night falls, and with that comes the DARK! Wait, I thought that daybreak was in the morning... : Dusk counts as a “daybreak”! Same thing, really! If Dusk and Dawn were the same thing I'd evolve male Kirlia and Doublade using the same rock! : I don't get that at all, but I'll still show you next week! FINE! : ...Surrounded by idiots. Though I'm glad to see Topaz still needs my help.

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