This is going to sound really lame no matter how I phrase it, but I just realized that two days ago is the first anniversary of my beginning here on MAL! And I'm going to get all cheesy and sentimental here, but I'm so glad that I joined this site. Diving into the wonderful and strange world of anime & manga has really made a profound impact on my life. Though writing reviews, I've improved a lot in essay writing and analytic thinking, an improvement I've noticed when writing on other subjects as well! And thanks to this site and the reviews that I wrote, I've met so many wonderful friends, many of whom I would consider my best friends ^^ I love you all :3 It's been a wonderful first year of making amazing friends from all around the world and getting to talk about anime with all of them.
Logging into MAL and reading the comments that I get on my page puts a smile on my face every day :3 And thus I guess it's evident that I appreciate anime not just because it's entertaining and carries interesting messages, but because of the impact it's made on my life. Last year, I had a lot of trouble with friends offline, but I was kept optimistic because I have so many friends here! Bulgaria, the Netherlands, the Philippines, Dubai, Australia, Canada...that's not even close to the full list of countries that my friends are from. And in addition, I've made many friends that live in my country ^^ no matter how far away we are from each other, I value you all equally.
So thank you all /im not crying Let's hope for more years of wonderful anime and more friends to be made!