The new shows for Spring 2015 are still arriving in a sporadic fashion. One that came out last week was “Ninja Slayer from Animation”, a 12 minute anime from Trigger. What's it about? A ninja who slays ninjas. A more important question is – why didn't I write about it sooner?
Well, one could say that I was still “recovering” from it.
I realize that “Ninja Slayer” is supposed to be a parody. And sometimes parodies can work fairly well. For example, last season's three-minute per episode “Doamaiger D” parodied giant robot anime quite well.
But when I watched “Ninja Slayer” I just couldn't believe how bad the first episode was, and it just kept on going and going for four times the length of “Doamaiger D”. This was definitely a case of “more” being much, much “less”.
Everything about “Ninja Slayer” was terrible – the animation, the direction, the voice acting, the story, the character designs, the concept, the music – the total experience was terrible. What is even more horrible is that it is apparently going to be on for two seasons.
In any event, I can only recommend that you stay far, far away from “Ninja Slayer”. To emphasize this my final rating, for the first time in a very long time, is F.