Hyperdimension Neptunia The Animation: Episode 8 References
こんにちわみんなさん I'm going to list off all the references in the eighth episode. mk2 = second Hyperdimension Neptunia game Victory = third Hyperdimension Neptunia game 1. Just like in Victory, Neptune and...
View ArticleHideyoshi characters I like
View ArticleThe Archon
The Archon My earliest memory is of myself as a child. I was young and I had the almost unique gift of awareness. It would be many millennium before I would remember this. … My breath is the wind that...
View ArticleTommy x Fall Season 2013 (Predictions)
This isn't really a blog and I doubt anyone will comment, but it's preferably for me and anyone who's happened to be interested. Fall season anime list: http://anichart.net/fall The next fall season...
View ArticleFellini, Lupin, and Howl
-An essay by Daniel Thomas of the Ghibli Blog- I was writing about this week's Ghibli Blog poll, in which you choose your favorite Hayao Miyazaki film. While the race is pretty tight across most...
View ArticleInuYasha (episodes 15 - 20)
I was really quite impressed with the storytelling the past few episodes. They've been pretty good. Especially the tension between Kikyo and Inuyasha and the romance between them 50 years prior to the...
View ArticleSeason's Best
This is just a temporary dump for my favorite TV anime per season until I make it a bit fancier Everything before Spring 2012 willl come later, haven't watched most of it Spring 2012 - Haiyore...
View ArticleWebtoons
~Reading~ Automata: Chapter 2 Flow: Chapter 9 Tower of God: Vol2 Chapter 77 ~Plan To Read~ Diamond Dust ~Completed~ Killer Stall
View ArticleBest Anime MOE Tourney - XI. Bracket Hanyuu
The excursions of trying to blog in time to the tourney is starting to tire me out, but I plan to complete my coverage of the first round at least. After that ... well, I'll see how I feel then....
View ArticleAnime Log: Summer 2013
I've been wanting to make a blog post on MAL for awhile, but could never think of what I wanted to write. So, out of boredom, I decided to make a list of all the anime I've watched this summer. Between...
View Articlerainbow news
HI ANIME LOVERS~~~~ I am Stormbringer101, a new comer to Anime List and I really want friends so Friend me? I also want to learn how to interact and discuss anime as well as how to put pictures on my...
View ArticleBroken hands and squids
I have a Kuwaiti friend whom I call a 40 year old Nigerian. He calls himself a moonpeople and makes many an attempt to ensure me that he's my age and whiter than me. We're currently waiting on the...
View ArticleМанга, манга, манга и еще раз манга ^^
Да! Я додумалась до того, что могу на работе её читать гыы) Так что меня ждут увлекательные дни на работе) И куча не прочитанных работ, которые я могу прочесть) Это радует очень-очень)
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