September Month of Toons
01. Gunbuster 02. Freedom 03. Now and Then, Here and There 04. Baccano 05. Macross Plus 06. Koi Kaze 07. Haibane Renmei 08. Zetsubou Sensei 2 09. Kuuchuu Buranko 10. Kemonozume 11. The original...
View Article15% Off Sex Swings
Just found a promotion code for sex swings. 15% off with the promocode "emptynest2013" They have got pretty much every model available there, thus, making this an excellent chance to save a dollar...
View ArticleSpeculations about Iraqi Dinar-is it going to be the future Currency or just...
The Iraqi Dinar Speculation has been of much research value in the past few years. The people have been researching the internet for the dinars and seeing its speculations and future value for many...
View ArticleСудьба
Теперь буду продолжать читать мангу про Стаза. Отснято ровно столько, сколько я прочитала! Всё таки интересное чувство, когда манга, которую читал несколько лет назад, становится аниме. У меня с мангой...
View ArticleDepression + Magical Girl
Depression + Magical Girls = Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou (Day Break Illusion) xD If a Magical Girl felt guilty about killing people this anime would be what you get. o.o It's interesting how we have a...
View ArticleRanked List of Every Anime I've Seen
Ranked Anime List (Key for symbols on Bottom) •(Exceptionally Great/Epic Anime) Attack on Titan*# Guilty Crown*$ Code Geass *$ Death Note *#~ Shiki*# BTOOM*# High School of the Dead*# Elfin Leid*#...
View Article"ANIME AWARDS"
Here's just something I like to Do where I acknowledge certain anime for their greatness and present them with "awards". I call it the Anime Awards!!! Anime Awards 2012 Awards to all anime that I have...
View ArticleEpisode 3 Packs a Punch: Sunday Without God
The premise of this dark anime is basically a zombie-like world. It's really amazing considering how the first two episodes were that I could develop enough care about the main characters that the...
View ArticleТ. Ганбатын шүүмжүүд
За анимед орж, отакү болж байгаа Монгол уншигчдаа зориуллаа XD Жич: Код гиассаар жишээ авсан болно.
View ArticleCode Geass: Boukoku no Akito 1 - Yokuryuu wa Maiorita
Overall: 8 Төгс ганц анимег минь үргэлжлүүлнэ гэдэг бол хамгийн оновчтой санаа байлаа. Дунджаар өгөх оноо гэвэл энэ л яг тохирно. Өмнөх цувралуудын хувьд ганцхан л 10 оноо авах аниме бол миний хувьд...
View ArticlePrague day 7
Well then... Day 7 today was a real tourist day, we did a whole lot of shopping. We set off with a big list of things to do :) which I'm not gonna tell since it's a surprise :) but we had a whole...
View ArticlePrague general impression
General impression of prague: People smell, i don't know what it is and i don't mean to be discriminating but they really do. It's famous for single nights and stag nights: a lot of people were walking...
View ArticleTop 8 Girls [Akame ga Kill!]
Si hay orden de preferencia With order of preference 1. Esdese2. Chelsea3. Mein4. Akame5. Schere6. Leone7. Najenda8. Kurome
View ArticleTop 8 Girls [Nisekoi]
Si hay orden de preferencia With order of preference 1. Kirisaki Chitoge2. Tachibana Marika3. Tsugumi Seishirou4. Miyamoto Ruri5. Onodera Kosaki6. McCoy Paula7. Onodera Haru8. Kyoko
View ArticleTop 20 Girls [Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai]
Si hay orden de preferencia With order of preference 01. du Lot Herminium Haqua02. Diana03. Takahara Ayumi04. Kosaka Chihiro05. Goidou Yui06. Nakagawa Kanon07. Ayukawa Tenri08. Kujou Tsukiyo09. Nikaido...
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