Food Buying Truffles Recipes Go Conversion Chart Just in case you get a recipe with Go measurements Soup bases Japanese Soup bases Yummly The Roasted Root Inspiralized Tasting Page (Beer...
View ArticleQuitting
It's time I stop, I keep coming back to it, trying to get that stupid Global, but I only get negative feelings from it. when everything looks good, suddenly there are cheaters, and if not - bad teams....
View Articleecchi woes
i cant decide which i find more sexually deplorable . the dog that licks crotch in gantz or the lightning demon zapping the girls clit in isuca.
View ArticleNo Phab No Life
Alright guess this is a good opportunity to test this feature out, althought I'm not sure if I'm even allowed to post something like this, which isn't really related to anime nor manga, well I'll put...
View ArticleGrisaia Series
Well, just my two cents of the series as a whole... =====Some minor spoilers below===== Rakuen is a masterpiece. I was going "HELL YEAH" starting about halfway through to the end. In order to get the...
View Article[Anime] Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R
Ну стартанули не то чтобы ударно. Память всем кроме Мамору резко вернули, не стали тему растягивать. Инопланетяне красивые, но одновременно и страшненькие с этими уголками в глазах. Событий и драмы...
View Article[Anime] Tight-rope
Любителем яойного аниме, конечно, трудновато быть когда так редко попадаются полноценные тайтлы без вопиющих недостатков. Тут надо в мангу скорее лезть, но она, как вид искусства, к сожалению не так...
View ArticleFavoirite Male Characters
Soma Asman Kadar (Kuroshitsuji) Akito Hyūga (Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito) Kuroo Hazama (Black Jack) Arthur Kirkland (Axis Powers Hetalia) Sougo Okita (Gintama) Ferid Bathory (Owari no Seraph) "N"...
View Article[Anime] Cool Cool Bye
Маленькое приключение в будто бы постапокалиптической пустыне. Авторы совершенно не соображают в сторителлинге: либо крайне плохо понятно, на что ты сейчас по задумке должен обратить внимание, либо...
View ArticleHullo :) Mystery Dungeon and Your Lie in April
I suppose I'm making a blog! ...I've never had a blog before. I dunno- would anyone even read it? Ah, who cares? I'll probably just babble about anime and gaming stuff here. I lost count of how many...
View Article8: Glimpse of Motivation
Evening, lads and ladies. My head is pounding with a massive headache, so I'm keeping it short today. Working on the AMV slowly. The song I chose is pretty sad so I don't want to work on it too long,...
View ArticleNo Game No Life PS™
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PS3 ~ ID :- loolly-pop My Games list : Beyond: Two Souls - Aiden <3 Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F...
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