I Know...I Know I Should Eat Something Else Besides Ice Cream For Breakfast -...
I haven't eat the ice cream yet but I am thinking about it. I am too tired to fix a decent breakfast. I had some tea but I need to eat something solid. I may wait until later when the stores are open...
View Article[Anime] Kirara
Эээ, прям новая идея что ли. Я видел как люди посещали прошлых себя (с детства помню фильм с Брюсом Уиллисом например), но только не после смерти и в виде призрака. Хотя наверняка уже где-то было. Так...
View ArticleMy Top 50 Best Anime Opening / Ending Parte Final
Obs: Essa é uma lista diferente que procurei avaliar cada série animada as suas respectivas aberturas e encerramentos. Fui muito parcial na escolha das musicas, por isso alguns cantores acabaram se...
View ArticleLeaving MAL
Due to unforeseen circumstances, I will not longer be active on MAL. I am going through a hard time in my life right now and I feel as though I have to work hard at school instead of frolick on forums...
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View ArticleFavorite: Anime/Manga
Anime Series ✖ Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood ✖ Usagi Drop ✖ Durarara!! ✖ NHK ni Youkoso! ✖ Aku no Hana ✖ Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch ✖ K-On! ✖ Yuru Yuri Anime Movies ✖ Byousoku 5 Centimeter ✖...
View ArticleFavorite: Character
Female Characters ✖ Sawa Nakamura ✖ Vorona ✖ Haruko Haruhara ✖ Izumi Nase ✖ Himeko Inaba ✖ Shizuku Mizutani ✖ Rin Kaga ✖ Kanna Makino ✖ Yui Funami ✖ Eucliwood ✖ Tooka Takanashi ✖ Mero Furuya Male...
View ArticleChiaki Nanami compilation
“I'm Chiaki Nanami, the Ultimate Gamer. Video games are my hobby, and I'm a fan of all genres... Nice to meet you.” “Don't you think there's something that's way more important than whether or not you...
View ArticleThe Rewatched List
MAL's means of keeping track of rewatched anime is difficult and time consuming to navigate; thus this list is birthed for the sole purpose of convenience. Praise. Only including anime I've completed...
View ArticleI'm not sure myself on what's this
An abandoned beginning for a story I had in mind back then Spilling colloid Between nostalgia and despair. A disturbing yet missed past, a promising yet unwanted future. Tharsaliyot, a weak mind...
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