MAL Update Ahahaha
This new layout :)))))) First with tumblr, now with MAL Like, we just can't have nice things, can we???
View Article自由 だ!!!!(*´ω`*)♡
Finally,I'm FREEEEEE!( ´ ▽ ` )ノ Examination really maade me wanted to explode #Anime here I come ヾ(´ε`*)ゝ
View ArticleAnime I need to revisit (because well....I forgot the plot)
Aishiteruze Baby★★ -> I frankly completely forgot about what happened, but I gave it an 8, so hopefully it was as good as I remembered it to be. Gakuen Alice -> I heard that the ending in the...
View ArticleUncompleted
Anime in my completed list that has more episodes when i completed it. Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai! OVA Yakata: Kannou Kitan Euphoria
View ArticleSome thoughts on Higurashi Season 1
***This is a portion I took out of my review since it goes on a tangent*** Personally, I was surprised that the violence was tamer than all internet seemed to hype it up to be. As with most anime with...
View ArticleDanshi Koukousei no Nichijou (Arbitrary) Review
Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou was pretty funny. The types of jokes in it are quite scattered so I either didn't get it or wasn't amused by some of the jokes. They do take some unexpected angles though,...
View ArticleBlog Index
Categories: ANIME THOUGHTS ME AND ANIME MORE ANIME RELATED RANTS Anime Thoughts Index Me and Anime Index 1. My Anime History 2. Ten Q/A about Me and Anime 3. Anime I need to revisit (because well....I...
View ArticleAimer エメ
<under construction> sleepless nights __01 - TWINKLE TWINKLE LITTLE STAR -prologue- __02 - yakou ressha ~nothing to lose~ __03 - anata ni deawanakereba ~kasetsu touka~ __04 - egao __05 -...
View ArticleIndierant: Undertale
As a gamer, it was been a bizarre experience to look back through my chronicled history of gaming to see how everything has played out. I never used to be much of an "indie gamer." In fact, I somewhat...
View ArticleRe-evaluation of Sub vs. Dub
Ok Ok Ok, I've been a Sub person for literally all my life, but recently I watched one of my favourite youtubers reveal to me that he has been reviewing all anime watching the DUB VERSION!!! And I was...
View ArticleAbout Me
Personality I feel like revealing my actions will reveal who I am better than just telling you. I'm the type of person who: -is probably lactose intolerant but eats dairy anyway. -still sleeps with...
View Articlemy personal blog xdddd
dear diary, today i watched anime today i decided that anime is shit and for children time to kill myself lmao
View ArticleAnime is shit
Why the fuck is anime so shit atm make some real shows you fucking weebs also apparently i have to mention an anime so SAO is trash
hi everyone today i'd like to talk to you about how sword art online is the greatest hentai ever made. seriously. i have fapped over it about 40 times and every time it just gets better and better. the...
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