DPs and Forum Sets
Current DP by -Luzifer- Current Forum Set by Nate-chan Past DPs by -Luzifer- Past Forum Sets by AnotherWish
View ArticleAngel Beats
So after a long yet calm paced week I have managed to finish watching the spectacular Anime called Angel Beats. Although this Anime was full of distress and emotion it still had a lot of action, which...
View Article[PT - BR]Review: Clannad
Clannad(8) Eu dei uma nota 8 para obra, mas confesso que esperava mais um poco de Clannad devido às boas criticas que "Clannad : After story" recebeu, tambem confesso que assiti Clannad simplismente...
View ArticleSeries that don't exist on MAL
Death Note [Drama] - On Hold (currently airing) 1/? Episodes -/10 Rating Started: 07/30/15 Shards of Sin [Manhwa] - Completed 30/30 Chapters 9/10 Rating Started: 08/18/15 Finished: 08/18/15
View ArticleFavorite OPs
Favorite opening songs ( in no particular order ) -Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso OP 1 -Kimi to Boku. OP -Akatsuki no Yona OP 1 -Amnesia OP -Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. OP -Ano Hi...
View ArticleFavorite EDs
Favorite ending themes ( in no particular order ) -Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso ED 2 -Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso ED 1 -Attack on Titan ED 2 -Durarara!! ED 2 -Durarara!! ED 1 -Black Butler ED -AnoHana ED -Ano...
View ArticleToriko x One Piece x DBZ special
I recently watched the Special cross over between Toriko, One Piece, and Dragon Ball Z. I thought it was an out of cannon special so i watched it not knowing anything about Toriko and only a bit about...
View ArticleThe cherry blossoms are strong with this one
So. Your Lie in April. The last time I got so emotional after watching a series only to find out other viewers were left upset was for the show LOST(still one of the greatest shows of all time). That's...
View Articlereplies ✿;
nokies Hihi, this entry was created for the people who are wondering about (or perhaps misunderstanding) my late replies. I thought it would be easier to keep this in a blog entry rather than telling...
View ArticleFavorite Op/Ed
Favorite Op 1. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Op 1 2. Serial Experiments Lain Op 1 3. Ergo Proxy Op 1 4. Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2 Op 1 5. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch Op 1 6....
View Articleabout me
I'd prefer it if you'd just talk to me and get to know me that way, rather than just wasting my time writing this, when I'm already well aware of how bad I am at describing myself. So yeah. Come @ me bruh
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