Always looking for new anime! ;p c:
So I just completed Sao and thoroughly enjoyed it, however it has left me a little burnt out on the fantasy genre. I want to go back to the dark psychotic genre that got me interested in anime in the...
View ArticlePlan to buy manga/novels
If you made it here it means that your stalking power is over 9000... or you were curios. There's no complete manga set for NHK, will have to buy separate volumes or wait for a set. Plan to buy manga:...
View ArticleIncroyable Talent / Vidéo
Hello everyone, comme quoi j'avais dit plutôt que j'allais essayer de sortir une vidéo d'election de Miss Anime et apparemment mes idées ont plut aux créateurs d'AMV puisque cette vidéo à été publié ce...
View ArticleSummer 2015 - Two More to Throw Back
I watched two unexpectedly unpleasant new summer 2015 series last night: “Kuusen Madoushi Kouhosei no Kyoukan” - category: death by cliche. High school magical fighting anime that inexplicably decided...
View Article[Anime] Kuuchuu Buranko
Это праздник. Уникальность, артистичность, откровенность возвращают к первым месяцам знакомства с аниме, когда оно казалось бездонным колодцем творчества, самопознания и радости. Потом пришло озарение,...
View ArticleAnime Screenshots 11/7/2015
This was a better day than yesterday. The same number of animes but each one is of better quality. Shimonseka is up first. Ayame wants the innocent little kids to learn biology and she sets up the MC...
View Articleuzupelnienie dla mezczyzn, którzy chca osiagnac doskonale wyrzezbiony cialo!
Szukajac czegos ksztaltowac sylwetke i rozwijajacym sie w miedzyczasie wiekszosc? Probolan 50 jest dla Ciebie! , Ta niezwykla mieszanka mocowan wzmacniaja uklad trawienia i zwiekszenia hormonalna...
View ArticleIn-Depth About Me: For The Wayward Curious
Oh, so you actually clicked on this link? Quaint. You get what the title promised: *I'm a 20-year old male who refuses to grow up (if my real About Me didn't say that enough) attending college in good...
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