The past few episodes have really made me like Hero Tales that much more, and I don't want to spoil it for people but... OMG HOSEI YOU POOR BABY I JUST WANT TO HUG YOU!
I read the manga before watching the anime and I have to say that the anga is pretty cut and dry. Not a lot of character development even though there are a lot of characters. It is mostly about the martial arts battle which are cool, but action isn't always my things, or what makes a good anime sometimes. I started the anime Hero Tales because it was only 26 episodes, and I thought it would be neat to see how they expanded on the already pretty short storyline. So far, I'm enjoying it. It is by the same gal that did FullMetal Alchemist, so the character designs are remarkably similar, but what is also similar is how she develops her characters.... it does not disappoint.