Some animes I plan to watch in the fall.. Putting them here so I don't forget about them.. This is kinda just a personal reminder (no need to pay attention to this)...
-Kill la kill (oooh ya!.. Really excited for this)
-Samurai flamenco
-Kyoukai no Kanata (I'm going to watch this for the animation but from the description sounds like a rehash of other shows and I'm not expecting much for the story or characters.. Hopefully it surprises me)
-magi second season (if the first season is anything to go by I'm not expecting much.. Hopefully they stick to the manga this time)
-pupa (sounds interesting)
-Kyousougiga (looks good)
-Coppelion (maybe, I'm not sure)
Movies- (hopefully the subs come out quick ^.^)
-persona 3 movie
-madoka movie 3
-sakasama no patema (looks interesting)
-Kaguya-hime no Monogatari (ghibli requirement)