I am sure you have heard about Jazz being the music of self expression. Jazz musicians often do improvs and create their own melody through freestyle. A number of people felt that this anime was focused more on drama and romance but Sakamichi no Apollon is not to be interpreted that way. It can literally be anything out of the thousands of genre music has, but Jazz played an important role on Sakamichi no Apollon. The anime is no way near about Jazz, but Jazz acted as a medium for character expression.
A musical instrument alone can be pleasant to the ears but grouped it with other instruments and the music it produces can be a masterpiece.This is why I find Sakamichi no Apollon amazing. The anime showed what can a harmony of individuals achieve whether it's music or understanding. I believe this is why the anime stands out above the rest.
Not only that the anime covered a lot of real life implications, but this anime is also the unification of great names in the anime industry. For instance, Watanabe ( Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Bebop ) as the director collabs with Yoko Kanno. This medley of superb story telling and amazing soundtracks makes this anime a roller coaster of emotion when you are watching it.
As far as the story is concern, there is nothing there to point out. It is not completely terrible but nothing also good that shines bright. However, the execution of the anime was done well. If you are one of those person who enjoys extreme twists and plots then this anime is not for you. The anime is realistic ergo really predictable.
The characters in this anime are really plain. First you have Kaoru, the rich, smart, and loser type of guy. He befriended Sentarou who is strong and tough guy who has the same taste of music as he does. The cliche opposite attracts friendship kind of thing. However, what makes this anime real good is the development. I mentioned that this anime is realistic. Thus, you can see some traits and backgrounds from characters that applies to some of us in real life.
The animation and art is splendid. It is not ground-breakingly over the top good but it is also not garbage looking bad. The animation really gives out this slice of the life feeling. It blends along with the Jazz.
The music is a masterpiece. The anime totally depicted 1960s music. The opening song, ending song, background music, and voice actors were done to perfection. Not only that the music is terrific but also it captures the hearts of the viewers through symbolism. Unfortunately for you, this is a review not a summary so you need to find those symbolism for yourself.
To wrap things up, I enjoyed this anime to the bones. The anime takes you in a magic carpet ride. You feel sad, and later on you feel happy. This anime will leave important messages and implications in your life. This is the best music anime I've watched so far. I hope you'll enjoy this as much as I did.