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My rating systems

Just to clarify a few things, my rating systems are a bit different than what most people are used to. Most people generally use the same rating system their school provides, which I feel would be widely inaccurate. So this leads to a lot of confusion in regards to how I rate things. Schools (usually) rate things as: 10 = A+ (Awesome) 9 = A (Very Good) 8 = B (Needs Improvement) 7 = C (Barely passing) 6 = D (Why are you even attempting?) 5 and under = F (Failure) To me, this leaves half of the rating scale unused, and therefore leaves it without a purpose. I mean seriously, what would be the difference of something rated a 2 compared to something that is rated a 4 on this scale? None. There would be no difference, and both would be regard as “unwatchable”. There’s also too much applied to the ratings that are still being used. The 6 and ups. Most people are going to rate things a solid 9 or 10 if they liked it, and rate something really low if they didn’t. This might work on a 1-5 scale, but not a 1-10 scale. So to make a pitiful attempt to buffer any rabid fan hate, here is how I presently rate my media. Anime: For anime, I essentially use the same “official” scale as MAL provides. * 10 (Masterpiece – hence why I’ve never given this score) * 9 (Great) * 8 (Pretty Good) * 7 (Good) * 6 (Okay) * 5 (Average) * 4 (Below average) * 3 (Bad) * 2 (Really bad) * 1 (Should not exist) When I rate anime I take into account story, characters, voice acting (sub and dub), sound, and personal enjoyment (my ratings are nearly identical to GRArkada’s at GlassReflection for those who want more info). However, I don’t usually take animation into account unless the animation is noticeably bad. Especially since this would force me to give older animes a lower rating due to outdated animation alone, despite them being considered well-animated at the time they were released. Besides, that gets notoriously annoying to review, with me pretty much saying “the animation looks good” for about 90% of what I watch. Books: This applies to manga as well. I find books incredibly difficult to rate due to all of the factors that come into play, so I keep to the simple 1-5 system. The 1-5 system is focused almost solely on enjoyment. After all, if it was well written, I’d probably like it, and therefore give it a better score. My scoring for books and manga is based off of the system over on GoodReads. * 5 = Amazing (reserved for my favorite books) * 4 = Really liked it * 3 = Liked it * 2 = It was okay * 1 = Did not like it This is why my manga section of MAL doesn’t have ratings. Video games: Video games are rated the same as anime. However, each game often times has to have separate categories in order to rate them. For example, and game with no story (like Tetris) can’t be given the same rating as a game with one. So the 1-10 rating system is used, but it is categories are modified based on what the game offers. In the future, I may switch video games over to the 1-5 system. --- Now, I need to get back to finishing Trigun. Because MAL won't let me make this post unless I 'relate it to at least one anime'. So there's your relation, MAL. Despite that the post was related to anime in general and was therefore still relevant...

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