I'm so packed with animes! I have so many series I'm watching. I have to add some animes/mangas to my plan to watch list (not even because there not aired yet, but because I have no time to watch them).
Gin no Saji - Watching
Blood Lad - Watching
Gatchaman Crownds - Watching
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - Watching
Shingeki no Kyojin - Watching
Love Lab - Watching
Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C3-bu - Watching
Free! - Watching
Nichijou - Plan to Watch
Nana - Plan to Read
I even had to put Fairy Tail and Ergo Proxy on hold, because I was starting to neglect them xD.
PS: Let's not forget all of the anime series/movies that aren't aired yet, that I have to watch. I'm also reading Ao Haru Ride (luckily it's a monthly manga). So busy, but it's sort of good this way (because at least for a long time I won't have that period where I have nothing to do on the computer).
Wish me fun :D
Kitty =^.^=