I love anime. I started watching it in august, 2012. So really i haven't been watching for all that long.But, I guess my love for anime/manga started far before I started watching it.
When I was in grade 6, my school decided we would all make 1-2 cards for Christmas and send them away; we found out that we would be sending them to Japan. So i sent my two cards away and sometime a few months later, we recived Christmas cards from students all over Japan. I was so happy to recive a handmade Christmas card all the way from some boy in Japan. I no it may sound silly, I mean, it was a piece of paper folded in half and writtin on, but I still thought it was the coolest thing!
My friend's card had a drawing on it. It was a manga picture of a girl with brown curly hair sitting on the floor in her pajama's. She had a present in her hand and was smiling with a christmas tree and room in the background. I was so jelous to be honest, because my card didn't look that awesome! Well, thats where my facination with drawing anime started.
Back when i hadstarted to draw it, I no clue what this strange type of cartoon was, I just thought it was cool so i took a liking to it. My friend explained what it is to me and so i grew even more intrested. For many months though I still didn't care to watch it. Instead I would watch Mark Crilley's (a manga artist) videos on Youtube and thats how i started actually learning to draw manga.
Then my friend Mandi told me how her other friend Remy liked to watch it and so she had started to watch it and became totally hooked. At the time the first thing I thought of was Pokemon and all I could think was "oh my god she actually watchs that?!"*No offence to anyone who likes Pokemon, i just don't like it myself.*
Then one morning i decided i would try it. I went on netflix and chose The Ouran High School Host Club. Within the first 5 minutes, I shut it off. I though "this is rediculous! No way!" but for some reason, like 2 weeks later when my mom was away, I tryed it again and totally fell in love with it. So thats where it started officialy. Since then it is somthing that I absolutly love!
When I was in elementry school, I was very big into reading. I read books 24/7. but once I got into middle school I stopped. I no longer read for fun, only when it was required, so I figured I would just watch anime and never read manga. But when I started to figure out that not all mangas have been turned into animes, i considered reading.
The first manga I ever tried reading was fruits basket. Even though it is my second favourites of all time, I stopped reading at chapter 4. I had re-watched it recently and juat didn't feel like reading it at the time. I still plan to read it though because I know there was a lot left out in the anime! Then after that i tryed reading Kamisama Hajimemashita my all time favourite. But it was the exact same reason as Fruits Basket that i stopped reading Kamisama Hajimemashita at chapter 12. but also i plan to read it because there was also a lot left ouit in the anime.
Anyways, the other reason I stopped reading Kamisama Hajimemashita was because I also started reading Momoiro Heaven and didn't want to read 2 at the same time. Momoiro Heaven was the first Manga I ever read all of, and ever since I have been hoocked on manga!
So, there you have it. That's how all of my anime watching and manga reading started. Anyways, Sayōnara! ^.^