This is the eight-hundred-thirtieth week of using the "Perfect Anime Girl Sheet". Notice: This Blog may contain Unmarked Spoilers.
*We begin with Topaz and Riri searching the space station, looking for the girl they've apparently lost.*
Hey now, there's numerous reasons that we could be looking for. What if we want to change the television and lost the remote?
: I highly doubt that, Topaz. It's Thursday and the narrator has began the blog. There's only one thing that means.
Oh no, that means that I'm no longer the one that's controlling the blog?
: That's not what I meant.
That since people don't want me wasting time that we'll find the girl soon? I mean that does tend to happen anyway.
: I suppose that is true, but again not what I'm talking about. I mean it's obvious that we've lost the girl.
W-we didn't LOSE her... I'm sure she's around and we'll be able to find her.
: One can only hope so. That said, why aren't the other girls this month helping to look? Especially Nia from last week, who saw this week's girl at the end of the blog!
I think that they are back in their rooms, or busy doing other things. I can't control them and keep them around all month, as I'm sure that they have their own tasks.
: Is that just an excuse so that you don't need to use their pictures and write dialogue for them?
Are you accusing me of being lazy? I'll have you know that I am, proudly, but that doesn't mean-LOOK!
*A plush frog seems to walk behind Riri through a hallway, but by the time that she turns to look it had already gone past the corner.*
: I don't see anything. You can't just point behind someone like that. What are you planning, to run away and hid? From ME?
Of course not, though I could fit through something skinny and you wouldn't be able to chase me with that fat ass of yours... Wait, look!
*Topaz points behind Riri, as once again the frog is walking between the doorways behind her. However, just like again it passes by before she takes a look.*
Dang it, this is making me look like an idiot! And I imagine I don't need the help!
: Don't worry as I understand... HMMM?!
*Riri pretends to look forward until she suddenly turns around, catching the frog plushie seeming to moonwalk between the doorways.*
: I knew it!
Let's get her!
*The two of them then end up chasing the strange frog creature as it evades them, going through the doorways of the hallway in a way one might expect would happen with a cartoon dog. It was very humorous, but unfortunately I cannot state accurately what happens in just text. Still, they figure things out by Riri staying in the hallway and having Topaz corner the frog creature.*
There! Now we've caught her!
????: Noo....
: What's the matter? You seemed like you wanted a blog from him.
*The girl holding the frog plush reappears, tearing up.*
: I suppose, but does someone like me really deserve it?
Of course, as you're adorable! You deserve more praise and more people loving you!
: Especially compared to some of the guys who are only liked for yaoi reasons. MAL really likes guys way too much.
Males Are Loved after all. Then again this site is full of terrible people who should be ignored and we should keep to ourselves. I'm fortunate that I have such good friends here.
: Good friends are always important. But that said, a-are you sure I should be blogged? It'll be embarrassing...
No more than any other blog from me would be. Believe me, you'll be doing much better these days.
: Plus it'll be good as it will show that Topaz still remembers you and your series.
: So you aren't going to be doing me just for some theme or something?
I mean having you fit with the theme gives me an excuse to finally talk about you, but I've been wanting to do you for some time. Finding a good place is always difficult.
: Then I thank you for finally talking about me...
: Though don't forget what happens to the girls you talk about.
*The cute short-haired loli swallows.*
: S-something happens? Please don't say I'm going to get hurt or die or something...
Fortunately nothing like that! Instead it will be something really good! You see, your ass will expand for some reason!
: M-my backside?!
*She looks back, showing off her cute butt to the camera.*
: That only makes things more embarrassing....
*She starts to disappear, but Riri grabs on her instead to keep her in place.*
: Hey now, no running off! We already caught you once, and we don't want to have to chase you down again.
I agree, as that sequence is really hard to describe in text! Not that I blame you.
*She reappears.*
: Thank you for that, and for talking about me. Even if my backside becomes larger, I would not mind. So go ahead and talk about me. I give permission.
: You aren't just saying that because I'm holding you tight, right?
: No, but it is helping to give me confidence.
Riri... To think that you would be hugging another right in front of me...
: QUIET YOU! Just get started with the blog!
: I agree, as I'm excited to hear your opinions on me... Even if I might not be worth it...
Nonsense as you're a great girl! And as such, let us begin by saying...
: I see, so I don't need to introduce myself. This is very different from Zettai's blog.
But of course, as we're different people.
: Didn't you mention how similar your blogs are last week?
I did, but that doesn't mean that our blogs are exactly the same either. He themed his around mine after all, which I don't mind at all.
: I see. And I can already feel my rump becoming bigger too...
*Even if Riri was keeping a close eye on Yunoha the young girl pats her young cheeks. They had expanded somewhat, being tight in her outfit and jiggling as a result.*
: Eep, I hope that it doesn't rip...
It will, don't worry. But your lovely ass will surely impress people, so don't worry about it. And you can call it an “ass” too.
: An as... N-no, that's improper!
It's alright, but I will respect you keeping your proper speech. I just hope that I'm getting it across to people.
: Topaz is bad at accents, dialects, proper speech, and honestly writing in general.
: That seems awfully rude.
Don't worry as she's only kidding. If I was bad at writing would I really have been doing this for almost two decades?
: You have been doing it a while! You must have a lot of experience!
: Don't be as impressed as you are, Yunoha. He's rounding a lot as it's only been like sixteen years.
: Still possibly longer than I've been alive, and I don't mean since my show aired either!
True, but that doesn't mean I should ignore you as you're a cute girl. It's one reason that I want to talk about you after all!
: I thank you again, but do you not think that you should be starting properly?
I mean I did introductions-OH! I know! I forgot to talk about your name!
: Is this something you normally do, or do I make you think of pudding?
Mmm, pudding. But not quite. If anything it makes me think of the warchief in WoW...
: That's “Thrall”, not “Thrul”. And same for the minions, as those are called “thralls” too!
Ah, fair point. Though I will mention that “Yunoha” doesn't have a straight translation, as it's written in katakana at least if MAL is anything to go by. Granted I would take it with a grain of salt but still. One meaning could be “gentleness, kindness, and superiority” which fit her pretty well.
: Such compliments...
Prepare to be embarrassed then, as I still have a lot more to talk about! As for her last name, I'm just taking what MAL has though it's possible that it could be “Surool” or “Surur”. Sadly I'm not good enough at Japanese to know for sure...
: Do not worry, as I understand. I thank you for bringing up the silliness of my last name.
But of course! I blame the characters being difficult or something, though I'm still an idiot.
: I agree with that!
But now that we're done with Yunoha's name, let's start getting even more personal!
: I am not sure with how you put that, but I am still excited to hear more.... yay...
*Yunoha cheers Topaz on quietly and cutely as he begins her blog proper.*
Yunoha does fairly well, with some issues but still does pretty well when it comes to her hair. Her hair is quite short, but still cute and fitting even if it doesn't even reach her shoulders sadly. It is cut in a very cute method, fanning out and looking soft and fluffy with rounded tips. I'll also mention that Yunoha has gradient hair, with the top part being purple with it become a light brown/orange color near the bottom. She also wears green clips on her sidecurls, which looks fairly cute. He bangs are short which means her hair might be pulled back, but with how rounded they are like with the bottom of her hair I don't know if that's what's going on. Still, her face is nicely framed even with how short her hair is. Overall Yunoha does pretty well, with some pretty colors in her gradient hair but I would want her hair to be longer.
Grade: B-
The main issue when it comes to Yunoha's eyes is the color, and even that is a mostly minor one. Her eyes are green, though some images do give her blue eyes, but either aren't especially spectacular either. Pun not intended as Yunoha doesn't wear glasses (which is another flaw I suppose, but there was MiX for that). Still, she has a really nice shape to her eyes even if her upper lids are rounded. Her personality fits a tsurime after all. They fit her shy and young-looking personality, and are very cute of course. She has small eye lashes which aren't too noticeable (or they might just be extra lines from her eyelid), and she has small lines above her eyes which show her eyes being only partially open. Still, overall as mentioned Yunoha's main issue is that her eyes are a somewhat bland color but the shape is quite cute even if it's not the most appealing sort for me (though it's still very lovely of course).
Grade: B-
Yunoha does really well when it comes to this area! At least if you can see her, of course xD. Jokes aside for now, she has a really cute face with a nice curved face and rosy cheeks. Looking so young also makes her look cuter and I like her small dot nose as always, and it fits with her small size. She also has really cute shy expressions too. Overall while there isn't too much to talk about Yunoha does well with a soft-looking, young-looking face that appeals pretty well to me.
Grade: B+
: Eeep...
*Yunoha makes a cute noise as she disappears from view, only leaving her frog plushie behind. Ririchiyo was holding onto her, so she disappeared from view.*
Oh no! Riri!
: Don't worry, Topaz, I'm still here. I still have a grip on Yunoha, even if we've both become invisible.
: I-I apologize... But also, I was so embarrassed by Topaz complimenting me so much.
But why? I didn't say anything rude or lewd. At least as far as I know.
: You didn't... But I was not prepared to hear you compliment my face so much.
You deserve it though, as your face looks incredible! It's a shame that you're hiding it right now though.
: My apologies...
*She and Riri “return”.*
: Seems like she has a powerful talent. Topaz.
I agree and-
: What I was going to say is that I forbid you from misusing it with your Mimicry powers.
Aw man! Though I suppose it would be rude to go into girl's locker rooms at my age...
: I agree with that, though at any age it would be wrong!
Fine fine... But getting back to Yunoha and her face...
: Eep! Oh, yes?
You have a very cute and moe face. You look youthful which fits with your personality, and I like your rosy marks on your cheeks.
: R-rosy marks? Where?
*Yunoha shows off her ass, trying to spot where her cheeks are “rosy”. Her cheeks burst out as she swings her hips, inspecting her ass and showing off in a very sexual manner even if innocently. Once Yunoha realizes what she did she kneels down, covering her face with her hands.
: N-no... you meant my face... this is humiliating...
: We apologize for the confusion, but please don't go invisible!
I agree, as we don't want to make the blog longer than it needs to be. I'm a very lazy person apparently.
: Do not worry as I understand, though you still have a lot to go through.
That's true! Your hair is cute and I like both the purple color and that you have a gradient, even if I'm not too sure about the tan color. It still looks very nice though. About the only problem is that your hair is fairly short, but the cute design and long-ish sides help. I don't know if the gradient would follow quite as well if Yunoha had longer hair, but I'm sure she'd look great!
: Thank you for the compliments and assurance.
Thanks for showing your ass-to-us as well~
: That is a very strained joke, Topaz.
Fair point. Regardless getting to Yunoha's eyes they have a very nice shape. Not perfect for my tastes but fairly pretty with the tarame. It also fits you well too. It's just a shame that the creators made both green and blue eyed pictures of you, as both are overused plus it makes my ancient eyes make it even harder to tell the difference.
: M-my apologies?
That's alright, as I know it's not your fault. I'm just glad to be able to talk about such a beautiful girl!
: B-beautiful... Eeepp....
*With that Yunoha starts to disappear again.*
: TOPAZ! You had better continue with the blog! I'll work on getting Yunoha back!
I don't know if this will be the best idea. After all, coming up next is-
: Just do it!
Fine fine, but don't come to me when she's even harder to find...
*With that Topaz continues the blog.*
As mentioned earlier Yunoha is on the smaller side, being one of the token lolis from the series. Granted the series doesn't have measurements, but she is shorter and more petite than most of the other girls. Sadly this also means that she doesn't have much of a ass, though she doesn't show off either which is another problem. We do get a fair look during the Union, but as mentioned her ass is fairly slim. I'll also mention that she has an invisibility power she uses when embarrassed, and since she carries around her plushie it makes it look like she's a ghost carrying it around. Overall Yunoha does have an alright loli body, even if she is likely in her teens, but not only does this mean her ass is slender and she's short but she also doesn't show off as much as the other girls might!
Grade: B-
Yunoha is slender here too, but that isn't as much of a problem. Not only are flat chests lovely, but her small size means it fits pretty well too. I don't think she shows any jealousy at least, but she also doesn't get too much attention either. Still, overall Yunoha having a slender and fitting chest for her body does quite well when it comes to this area.
Grade: B
This is a pretty decent area for Yunoha, as she has a good amount of variety with her wardrobe. Her usual outfit is a regular orange dress with black rounded fluff at the bottom, a short matching hooded jacket that only goes to her chest but has long sleeves, an orange vest with black handkerchief around her neck, and tall boots with bows on the front. She also occasionally has headphones around her neck, and is often seen carrying her frog cat plushie which occasionally has her own clothes. Yunoha also wears a bikini in the beach episode, which is a shame as a one piece would be better for her loli body (though Crea, the other loli, wears one instead). There is an official image where Yunoha wears one but she covers it with her frog plush sadly. She also has a nightie in one official image, and she also wears a black dress in a funeral episode. Oh, and of course we can't forget about her pilot's suit which is a bodysuit which is always good. Overall Yunoha does quite well when it comes to her outfits, having a lot of cute ones and ones that show off her body.
Grade: B
*Topaz takes a break to look over at Riri, but she had disappeared too.*
Riri? RIRI!
: You don't have to shout you know. I'm right here.
OH! You are. I'm sorry, as it seems that the two of you have disappeared.
: At least our pictures aren't missing.
: That is likely because Topaz is lazy and didn't want to edit us out.
Hey now. I mean I am lazy but why would I make you girls into invisible pictures? That would only make things harder to tell whose talking. At least I can go by voices.
: True. Imagine if it was Akari instead!
That would be needlessly complicated and confusing!
: I do not understand, but since I cannot remember what made me hide in the first place...
*Yunoha and Riri return to being visible.*
That's a relief. Now I can talk about your body.
: OH! T-that was why I was hiding! To think I would be so forgetful!
: Don't be disappearing again!
I agree, just look at how large your ass has become!
*Yunoha is surprised by how massive her ass is, turning to check and nearly knocking Riri over with her fat cheeks. Her ass was so massive that her cheeks were nearly completely exposed through her clothes.*
You shouldn't be making it unable to be seen! You aren't a trolling anime studio!
: But it still flusters me! I am not used to the size of my rump...
You can call it an ass, so don't worry. Though I do understand not being used to it, as you had a very petite slender body befitting the token loli of the show.
: Well, one of them. There was Crea too.
Fair point, especially after I mentioned that she wore a one piece. It is a shame Yunoha didn't have a curvier ass or get more fanservice, but that happens.
: I think that she mainly got romantic fanservice, but it's still unfortunate she didn't show off more.
: A-am I really that good to look at? Well, I mean prior to growing this large... and unwieldy...
You'll get used to it, even if your ass might weigh more than your whole body. Maybe. That said I haven't counted your current size as far as your score goes, as that would be unfair.
: So this is just on my normal slender body... Not that I mind, but I am surprised to do so well.
I mean showing off more would have done better, and your slender body looks great too! Fits with your size and age, even if we don't have exact measurements.
: Regardless I still thank you for talking so kindly about me.
*She bows cutely.*
: I'm just glad you didn't nearly clobber me again...
: E-eh?! EH?! I would not do something like that! P-please understand!
*Yunoha waves her hands cutely, as Riri rubs the loli's head.*
: Don't worry, as I know you'll be used to your ass soon enough. But Topaz isn't done with his blog yet either.
That's certainly true! So let's finish up this wonderful girl's blog~
*With that Topaz continues with the blog.*
Yunoha is a very wonderful and adorable girl, as you can probably tell. She has a shy personality, which extends to her ability to turn invisible when particularly embarrassed. This is referred to as her “Optical Camouflage Element” and she can even use it in combat to make her mecha invisible. She does eventually warm up to the main cast, which is good as for a while they were worried there was a ghost around. Still, even further in the series Yunoha is cutely shy and easily flustered. She also makes a cute sound effect as she does so as well, and is overall a great dandere. She does speak in a rude, if still cute, manner in one episode due to plot reasons as well. Speaking of Yunoha's voice, she is voiced by Yui Ogura who did a lot of great roles back in that era and Yunoha is certainly cute with her voice. Other roles include Shiroko from Blue Archive, Hinata from Ro-Ky-Bu, and Kokona from Yama no Susume among a great amount more. Overall Yunoha is an adorable girl in both personality and voice, and while it's a shame it's been so long since her series she is still a great character!
Grade: A-
Yunoha seems to do quite well when it comes to this area, both as far as lewd things and romance. We don't see her being a pervert or anything, but I was reminded that she bought a picture of Amata and a particularly risque shirtless one I think. Still, most of what makes Yunoha do well here is her romance with Jin. They have a deep connection, even if both are extremely bad at social interactions though it does bring them closer. Sadly Jin does die about halfway through, and even with the OVA bringing an alternate version of him it's not like he stays so she still doesn't get a continued romance. Much like Nia last time plot gets in the way of romance! Still, overall Yunoha does well here thanks to her romance with Jin.
Grade: B+
Yunoha has no actual listed age it would appear, at least as far as Japanese sites are concerned. She seems to be in middle school maybe, but I'm bad at judging ages of anime teens so who knows. She does seem to be Jin's age as the two get along pretty well, though it is possible that Yunoha is older than she seems. That said, overall while lacking in information there's nothing bad to say about Yunoha when it comes to her age either.
Grade: B
Total Grades: 73
Average score: 8.1
Final Grade: B
And with that, Yunoha's blog is complete!
: H-hurrah! Thank you for talking about me, Topaz.
*She cheers cutely.*
Of course, though I apologize for taking so long!
: You can only blame yourself for that, Topaz...
I know... But Yunoha is such a great girl! She's kind and cute, and she has an ability I'm jealous of!
: I must have it because I would not abuse it.
: At least you aren't trying to escape, even if Topaz talked about your relationships with Jin.
: It was embarrassing, as it is quite a sad history, but I'm glad he gave it the respect he deserves.
Certainly, as I would never mock a dead guy's love! Well, maybe a little but only if I had a good reason to. Your cute romance with him was enjoyable, and I like how you might be secretly lewd too.
: M-my apologies...
You don't need apologize, as I like that sort of girl. It also fits well with your normally shy personality too!
: Thank you as Zettai said something similar...
Makes sense as he loved you a lot. It helps that you have Yui Ogura who did your voice really well. A shame she's not as outstanding as she was back in that day, but I blame people hiring her for cows.
: It's always the faults of cows it seems...
Indeed, or mamocentric artists. Luckily Yunoha doesn't have that issue, and in general she is a cute girl. I do think she's older than she looks, as size-wise she's fairly small, but having a concrete age would help out.
: I understand, especially as you are being polite in not asking me my age directly.
But of course, as that would be rude! But it seems our time together is up.
: A shame, but I understand. Thank you again for talking about me.
*Yunoha bows cutely, nearly knocking something over with her fat ass. However, she cutely turns around and smacks Topaz with her huge ass. This makes her fluster even more as Riri helps him up.*
: I-I am so sorry about that! It was not intentional to hit you with my ass!
That's alright, and you even called it an “ass” too!
: I-I did, didn't I? Thank you for the confidence!
But of course! Though it's a shame that it's the end of the month.
: Even worse is that we're closing up on the anniversary. Luckily we weren't on Earth, but I imagine something major happened.
Hopefully nothing too terrible. Though to think I would forget about plot for so long...
: I blame you getting distracted with video games.
Sadly that is likely... But more pressing is that we're still up in space! How can we get down?
: Can't you go the way you came?
I suppose, but like Riri said there's likely something waiting for us there.
: Then why don't you take an escape pod?
Great plan! Come on, Riri!
: I just hope that we won't be controlling it with a game controller.
*Topaz grabs Riri's hand, making her swoon as the two leave. They also wave to Yunoha who waves back cutely. The two enter an escape pod.*
Let's see... Aw man, the manual is in a foreign language!
: This is what you get for not learning more.
Curse my American ignorance!
*He hits some levers and the escape pod eventually rocks and jettisons itself from the space station. The two are safe, if tumbling around inside. Meanwhile, back on Earth at a familiar location a hooded villainess plots on the tower's roof.*
El Nino: Mwaha ha! To think that Topaz would disappear for a month, allowing me to collect the storage of mana from the leylines Miruki built his tower on! Soon I'll be the best MeTuber possible, and not just because my fans all love seeing my milkers bounce either~
*She laughs in an evil way.*
El Nino: Not only that, but in order to keep him from coming I not only broke the telepad he got to space with so he can't return but made sure to fill the tower with powerful villains! He'll never make it in time!
*However, a crash happens in an invisible way. She comes closer to investigate.*
El Nino: A meteor? I hope that it won't take control of my mind and turn me blue! But there's nothing here...
*Suddenly the escape pod returns to visibility. Topaz and Riri pop out soon after.*
Phew! That was more exciting than expected...
: Just be glad we were able to figure out the controls! I mean who reverses up and down but doesn't allow customization controls?!
El Nino: W-wait, TOPAZ?! What are you doing here, and so suddenly!
Sorry to drop in, pun intended, but it seems that you're dealing with some dark magic here!
: Even the escape pod could sense it.
El Nino: B-but I was watching!
We came here invisibly!
El Nino: That's CHEATING! You sequence-breaking idiot!
*El Nino shakes Topaz, having her cloak fall off and reveal her.*
: No! My disguise!
: Looks like we found the real girl behind this year's issues!
You mean it wasn't Nino again?
: Certainly not! How can you even think that?
True as I imagine she's learned her lesson these days. Then again, the confusion should be obvious, as you even share a VA. But perhaps we'll talk about that next time...
: Don't make me wait!
I feel worse for the people who are going to have to read your blog next time. So I apologize in advance.
: Grrr... I'm going to film this and get you humiliated on MeTube!
: Like Topaz wants that kind of publicity!
True as this blog is a personal project. That said, we'll have to wait until next time to talk about her...
*With the ominous villain ahead Topaz ends his blog here.*