plan to read
- dragon and ceremony
- chapters: | started date: | finished date: | score: | notes: print, own
- fullmetal alchemist: the ties that bind
- chapters: | started date: | finished date: | score: | notes: print, own
- i am blue, in pain, and fragile
- chapters: | started date: | finished date: | score: | notes: print, own
- i want to eat your pancreas
- chapters: | started date: | finished date: | score: | notes: print, own
- i will forget this feeling someday
- chapters: | started date: | finished date: | score: | notes: print, own
- spice and wolf
- chapters: | started date: | finished date: | score: | notes: print, own
- the tunnel to summer, the exit of goodbyes
- chapters: | started date: | finished date: | score: | notes: print, own
- three days of happiness
- chapters: | started date: | finished date: | score: | notes: print, own
- tokyo ghoul: days
- chapters: | started date: | finished date: | score: | notes: print, own
- tokyo ghoul: past
- chapters: | started date: | finished date: | score: | notes: print, own
- tokyo ghoul: void
- chapters: | started date: | finished date: | score: | notes: print, own
- torture princess: fremd torturchen
- chapters: | started date: | finished date: | score: | notes: print, own