This is the eight-hundred-thirtieth week of using the "Perfect Anime Girl Sheet". Notice: This Blog may contain Unmarked Spoilers.
*We return to where we left off last time, with Topaz and Riri meeting a certain fluffy princess.*
: Fluffy princess? Where? I wish to give her a good petting!
: You do know that we're talking about you, right?
: My deepest apologies as I had not realized that. I did not think that I was so fluffy though...
I imagine the narrator meant your long hair, as it is quite soft-looking.
: For now...
Hey now, don't threaten such things as we won't be having anything traitorous happen in this blog.
: Ah yes! I had forgotten why I was here, but it is indeed for a blog. I had searched for you.
At least the girls coming for me are in a peaceful way, as opposed to villains who want to destroy me for ignoring them.
: How terrible! Though I will admit, it has been some time since you have talked about my series.
I know! It's been... A real while! And for that I apologize!
*Topaz bows to the beautiful girl, who is flustered at such an action. She waves her hands in panic.*
: I-it is alright! I was not saying it in any angry fashion. I imagine that you were just waiting for a good moment.
I was... But I'm also really bad with watching movies.
: Topaz can play games for hours, but god forbid he has to sit still for like an hour and a half watching one thing. It's especially bad when he watches multiple episodes of airing series but can't watch a simple movie!
I know! It's a shame that I'm so bad at watching movies! Still, I want to talk about her as she's a great girl who deserves a blog!
: Thank you. Luckily I am patient, and I have had Zettai talk about me some time ago too.
True, though we do have some very different blogs.
: Sometimes I imagine that they're slowly conversing though. Eventually they'll be the same tastes due to you two picking up each other's tastes because you talk so often.
Perhaps, but we're friends so it is alright.
: Friendship is quite good! It is always good to see friends helping one another out!
I agree with that! I'd call you Tea, but people might not consider that a joke and think that's your actual name.
: I do not understand... Both about the name and why you are unable to use mine.
: Because Topaz is stubborn.
I mean that answers the second question, but the first is mostly a silly joke. And being fair I like my traditions, even if they're dumb. I will wait until you are properly introduced to use your name.
: If you think this is silly, it would be even more dumb if he had used your name in the previous blog.
: Do not worry, as I understand. Though I am curious to hear what you think of me as well, Topaz. You have talked about many girls, but I would like for it to be my turn this time.
But of course, and I'll take that as permission as well! That said, there is one thing that I have to mention before we begin. After all, a side effect of my blog means that your ass will become bigger!
: ... But what if I do not have a donkey creature?
: Not that kind of ass! And we don't mean the type of person you find at a jerk store either!
: Then what is Topaz talking about?
*She tilts her head cutely.*
I apologize for being vulgar-
: She should get used to it as you're going to be talking about far worse.
Fair point, but I figured I should warn her. After all, it's going to be her butt that's going to become huge?
: M-my posterior?
*She pats her bottom, which is still fully clothed as it has not began growing yet.*
: That does surprise me, but I do remember that girl who was here last week having quite the sizable backside. And your assistant Ririchiyo as well!
Indeed! She puts the CHEEK in RiriCHEEkyo! The ASS in ASSistant!
: Having fun with that, Topaz?
Not as much fun as I would have playing games or beginning the blog.
: That is believable as you're so easily distracted.
There are many games I would like to play... But I have to get going on the blog first!
: Might I ask why you have not begun yet?
Well, I suppose we could. But you should tell me that you're alright with your ass growing. Don't worry as no time shall pass either.
: Time passing?
: I believe he's referencing the time skip. That said, it's good that you're talking to her now as opposed to her older form.
I know, as otherwise she wouldn't fit with the theme of the month. Granted it's not a great theme, but she fits better than Euphemia at least!
: Indeed! Granted both are mecha princesses, but that isn't the theme.
: I see. That said, even if you say that my posterior will increase I will allow you to talk about me.
Are you sure?
: Yes. I am sure that Simon would be most impressed!
He is a manly man, and a smart one too! I mean just look at the girl he fell for!
: You need not say such compliments, even if they may be true...
But since you've given me permission it's time to say that...
: So this is Topaz's blog. I do believe that it feels quite a bit different from Zettai's.
Being fair our blogs are fairly similar. It's just that you were talked about by him quite some time ago. Time changes all things.
: Like making Topaz old.
Indeed... But I will continue to do this blog as long as I can! I'm still an idiot at heart, I mean a child!
: Both seem quite accurate...
: You should not insult the one that is doing the blog.
Don't worry, Nia. I can handle most of Riri's jab and I know I can be an idiot. I can only hope that I'll give you a blog that a beautiful girl like you deserves.
: I wish that as well, but I hope that you enjoy doing it as well.
But of course! It may have taken me a while, but I'll happily talk about you! Granted that is a bit of a theme for this month as well, talking about a lot of girls from older mecha series.
: Not that Code Geass is old to YOU of course...
I mean I may have watched it last year, but I've still been aware of it! Though I do suppose that it still aired a season recently, but that's besides the point. Regardless we shouldn't get too distracted.
: Always a promising idea!
: I know! Much better to talk about the girl of the week rather than making her second banana in her own blog.
I know, but that's never the intent! I do apologize to Akari for having Hana interrupt her blog, though at least it's better than an even more mamocentric “Hana”...
: She was blasted off into space, but I'm still glad we haven't seen her even if we're on a space station.
Shhh, don't jinx it. Plus we still have a lot to talk about when it comes to Nia anyway.
: I look forward to it, and it would appear that your blog ability is beginning to work. My backside is already tingling and I can feel the fabric stretching slightly...
*She then bends forward, shaking her butt cutely towards the camera. Moving her hips makes her cheeks jiggle, showing off how much bigger she was currently.*
Looks very nice! It's a surprise that you aren't a sniper like Yoko!
: Being fair Nia wouldn't be as big without your talents.
: Do not worry as I understand, and I appreciate having this opportunity to show off too.
I'm certainly glad as well! And don't worry as Yoko won't be showing up this blog.
: Yes, as I am the one you will be talking about.
: Are you sure? It feels like someone is watching us...
That would be crazy! I mean other than the readers of course.
: I don't mean them, idiot! Or should I say HIM as in Zettai?
: I am glad to hear Zettai still enjoys reading your blogs.
But of course! Though if Riri feels someone is watching we'd better look around!
*They look in the area, but they don't see anyone else. A door does close automatically, with no one around to operate it, but they brush it off as being just the wind.*
: It seems that your worries are unfounded. We have not seen anyone watching us.
: I could have sworn I saw someone...
We did look around, but the only ones here are us. At least at the moment. So for now let us continue the blog!
: I look forward to hearing about myself.
I'm glad to hear that, but first I have to talk about your name. It seems to be based on the English word “near” or something, while her last name is based on “Teppen” which means “Top” or “Summit”.
: I do wonder why Nia's last name isn't “Genome” though...
Because “Lord Genome” isn't his name and title, as it's “Lordgenome”. Meaning one word. Though I do understand being confused, as it means he doesn't have the same last name. Still, it seems Nia is close to the top!
: Thank you! ...Though what do you mean by that?
My apologies as I was just poking fun at the wordplay in your name. Still, I don't want to make you wait too long and I've talked about your name too. Shall we begin?
: But of course!
*Nia looks excited to hear what Topaz is about to say, and the blogger begins the blog properly.*
Nia has really adorable hair, though she does have one unfortunate problem sadly. First is the good as she has amazing and beautiful hair, which goes down past her waist (and is even longer after a time skip). It looks curly and fluffy, which is really great, and she has a few places where free hair sticks out. Nia also wears a hair band with a large flower-like decoration on one side with a scarf coming down from it. Her bangs are a nice length with the middle coming down a bit though her sides could be longer as they don't frame her lower cheeks or cover her ears though this is fixed after the time skip. Still, Nia has very beautiful hair! I was thinking her hair was white, but I think these days it is a light yellow color instead, but either way she has blue highlights which are very cute. So why would she do poor here? I'm sure you can imagine as I brought up that she has an unfortunate problem, and at this point you can figure out what it is. At one point in the story, in order to save Nia's life, her hair gets blown through by a bullet. She has to get a reconstructive haircut and continues on with the pre-time skip story in that state, which is awful as she had such long hair and ends up with a terrible short cut! Luckily the time skip allowed her to get long hair again, but it's still unfortunate. Even the movies, which skip that specific episode, still have Nia lose her long hair between movies! It's a real shame as without that Nia would have done well overall, with cute fluffy hair and a great color scheme but the awful haircut causes too much of an issue.
Grade: B
Nia has a similar problem with her eyes, though mostly for my tastes specifically. I don't mean that she lacks glasses either, as she does have some nice black glasses in official art even if I don't think she uses them in series (they do look good though). And it isn't the shape of Nia's eyes either, as she has very nice tarame which suits her personality well. She also has nice eyelashes and cute lines above her eyes. The main issue I have is only a personal one, as I'm not a fan of Nia's flowery pupils. She has pink cross-like flowers in her eyes, which are otherwise blue. Granted it's not as noticeable to me these days, and in fact it doesn't bother me as much as it did some time ago. It helps that her eyes are so cute too, and it gives some unique personality to her. I'll also mention that as Messenger Nia her eyes become narrower and tsurime instead, showing the serious side of that form. Overall I'd still say that even with the flowers in her eyes Nia does quite well with a nice color and shape to her eyes. The glasses pic also helps too.
Grade: B
Luckily Nia doesn't have any sort of major issue when it comes to this area, allowing her cuteness to really flow. She has a great simple face with a small dot-like nose, and she has a nice youthful look to her cheeks. She does look more grown up appropriately as an adult, with the standard longer-looking face and more apparent nose. I will also mention she wears earrings in the future after the time skip, Rauru must have been bored (wait wrong series xD). Still, both versions are very beautiful. Overall there may not be much to talk about when it comes to this area, but Nia still has a very beautiful face with small features which I like a lot.
Grade: A-
*After finishing this section Topaz takes a look towards Nia, who is listening patiently while sitting. She has a big cute smile too.*
Something the matter, Nia?
: Not that I know of. Is there something unusual going on?
: Usually Topaz's girls talk a little bit between sections like this, but you were sitting there patiently.
: Oh! I was thinking he was going to continue talking! I was waiting until the end.
How proper, but don't worry. Besides, I want to hear your opinions.
: My... opinion? Is it not your blog for that? I would not know where to begin talking about myself...
Oh, I meant on my information, not your thoughts on yourself! I mean I wouldn't mind hearing, but if you're not sure what to say I wouldn't want to push you!
: I understand! But...
*Nia bows towards Topaz.*
: I apologize for causing such issues...
Don't worry too much! It is unfortunate that you had such a traumatic haircut, but at least eventually your hair grows back! I do like you with a fluffy style, after all.
: I thank you for your kind words! You are very understanding.
Of course, even if all haircuts are unfortunate.
: So did you mean “traumatic” for Nia, or for you and Zettai?
Mostly Nia, but it is always a bad time when haircuts happen. I will say that I do like darker hair, but Nia's yellow-into-blue gradient is really pretty. Granted I think at one point I was thinking her hair was more white or light blue, but that may have just been my eyes being terrible way back then too.
: Or maybe it's how you watched the show, kinda like how Sailor Moon wasn't supposed to have pink skies.
Great comparison, but I doubt that's what happened.
: More than my hair though, I am glad you like my flowers.
But of course! While it isn't a flower and only designed like one, I do like your hairband and other decorations as it is very cute.
: I-I meant in my eyes. I apologize for being so confusing!
*She bows repeatably.*
You don't need to apologize so often, Nia!
: I'm sorry!
: What is this, Tales of Symphonia?
Luckily no one is playing mind games with coffee. But it is true that I've been very judgmental of that sort of eye in the past. It's one good reason that Nia had taken so long, as I wanted to make sure I wouldn't punish her too greatly.
: I still could have done better...
I will admit that too, as your eyes are very pretty. Especially as Messenger Nia, as I like tsurime more, but your eyes are always adorable. The blue color does hurt slightly but not in any excessive way, and of course wearing glasses is always a good thing. Though you'd do better if you wore them officially.
: I see, unfortunately.
Nice pun!
: Pun?
: Don't confuse her with glasses wearer humor, Topaz.
Fine fine. But I will mention that Nia's eyes are really great, I just cannot appreciate them as much as she deserves. I really want to give her a fair chance, so I'm the one who should be apologizing.
: It is alright! Yo do not need to explain things to me, even if it is quite helpful to have me understand.
*She waves her hands in a panic cutely.*
Fortunately those are the main problems of the blog, so it's all uphill! Well, with one little bump-or more accurate two big “bumps”-later on. But fortunately we can talk about your wonderful and adorable face!
: A-adorable?!
*Nia blushes as she looks away and rubs her facial cheeks.*
Of course! Not only do you have a great face with a nice shape and small nose, but you have a lot of adorable expressions! Case in point!
: To think that you would consider me so lovely...
But of course! Even the redness on your cheeks are cute!
: I have redness on my cheeks?
*Nia looks at her ass to investigate. Her cheeks had expanded and as a result she was beginning to burst out of her clothes. Tears appear around it, and the proper lady tries to cover her “tail”.*
: D-do not look, please! It is quite embarrassing!
I apologize but I can't keep from looking, especially since you're bending over so nicely. But being fair you shouldn't worry, as I meant your rosy facial cheeks. Your ass hasn't changed color, even if it has grown some.
: I see, so that is what you meant. I had believed I sat upon something.
: I bet Zettai would love to be your chair, especially now that you're so assy.
: How perverse...
Nothing wrong with that, but hopefully you're alright with me continuing. I'll be talking about your body next after all, which will likely mean more perversion.
: I understand, as is what happens with blogs. It would be wrong to keep you from continuing and- Who's there?!
*In mid sentence Nia saw a short girl peeking out of a room. However, after she points and investigates there is no one there.*
This room is empty!
: I could have sworn I saw a girl in there watching your blog...
: Really Topaz? Are you going to force some ghostly blog for the Halloween blog?
Not on purpose! But it does feel like we're being watched for some reason.
: It may just be your imagination.
If it was I wouldn't bring it up this much in the blog though. Eh, I'm sure we'll figure things out eventually if we are continuing the blog. Come, let us go on!
: Yes! Even if the topic may be somewhat... lewd...
I shall at least be polite and noble with my perversion, so let's continue onward!
: I am quite excited!
*With that Topaz continues on with the blog.*
Surprisingly Nia has some measurements, and while her body is fairly slender she looks pretty good. Unfortunately she only has height and weight, with her loli self being 158 an going to 162 and her only listed weight as 43 kg. She does have a pretty good teen body which matches her age fairly well. She even outdoes Yoko in the beach episode despite wearing a one-piece! Well, Yoko was wearing a pareo and more than she normally does but still. Nia also shows off her ass pretty well when she's younger, even having a cute bending over official pic. Sadly this doesn't keep up when she's older, which is a shame as her ass should be even bigger. She becomes unfortunately mamocentric instead, which while a problem is more for the next area. Nia does have pretty nice legs and lower body though, she just needs to show off more after the time skip. Still, overall she does pretty well with her biggest issue being in the next section (though it does damage here as well).
Grade: B
As mentioned previously this is only really a problem after the time skip. Nia is slender and flat prior, which considering her age isn't surprising. She's not even that big, at least to me, in the future either. Still, a lot of official art focuses on her chest instead of her ass which is certainly an issue. There's even an official image with her being surrounded by Yoko and Darry showing asses but not Nia! Boo age changes just for mamocentric purposes, as it seems overly forced! Oh, and I'll also mention that the second movie sorta shows her nipples, but they are during a very sketchy meaning the rough lines may be overly emphasizing something unintentionally. Overall it's such a shame Nia changed and grew so much chest-wise between the ages, as she would have been better had she remained flat.
Grade: C
Nia has a lot of pretty good outfits, especially if you include official art. Her original outfit was a pink sleeveless dress with a red necktie with a lot of golden jewelry on her forearms, wrists, and belt. Later on she wears a jacket over it, which isn't as cute, and during the beach episode she wears a white one piece swimsuit which looks cute. She also wears Simon's coat at one time too, and she also wears a wedding dress as well after the time skip. There's also the black bodysuit the Messenger/Anti-Spiral Nia wears which really shows off her body well. As far as official art goes, Nia has like three different bikinis, three different styles of lolita dress (one for each of her “forms”), a hockey uniform and a lacrosse one with spats, a pilot suit, a chef, and various others. Apparently she can also wear Rei's plugsuit in the DS game, but I don't know for sure. Still, that's a ton of great outfits! Overall, Nia does fantastic when it comes to her clothes with a cute normal one and a lot of variety which always helps.
Grade: A-
: Goodness, I can see why you still had one issue remaining. I apologize once again for the trouble I give you.
*Nia bows in apology.*
I-it's alright, Nia. Luckily you aren't as bad as you could have been, but it is still unfortunate that you become so busty after the time skip. I mean you were pretty much flat, as seen now with your picture.
: At least she didn't get them randomly in the middle of the first part.
That would have been even worse indeed, as at least post-skip she's also older and taller so it isn't as awful. Still bad though, as she loses out the more fair fanservice in the past. Nia would show off her ass and have cute pictures, but not so much after the time skip. Even Yoko has official ass art after that!
: Please do not judge me for a form which I am not at in the moment.
I mean I'll judge you for the blog, but I don't want you to take it personally. It's just that giving you big breasts ruined your more moe and slender design, not to mention forcing mamocentric pictures. At least you did well enough before that, and you do have a really nice slender body too.
: It is a surprise to hear you praise my petite body so much.
: Really? I would have thought you'd be used to it due to the beach episode.
True. It's a shame there's so many terrible mamocentric distractions and not enough people liking classic moe cuteness. Luckily you certainly are a very cute girl, and your slender petite body does quite well. It is a shame we don't see you older, though your Messenger outfit is quite form-fitting. You could have had a bigger ass too!
: A b-bigger backside? I do not think it would be easy..
*Nia then turns around, nearly knocking Topaz over with her fat cheeks. She also burst out of her clothes, her cheeks being a lot more obvious as each one was bigger than her head. Her hair was short enough to show off well too.*
: My apologies!
It's alright. Not the first ass that tried to isekai me. But I meant more in the series itself, rather than the blog. I can't count your current size as it would be unfair.
: I see. Do not worry, Topaz. I am still glad that I'm doing so well, even if I apologize for my bosom.
You don't need to apologize, this happens even if it's unfortunate. But getting back to the blog since I mentioned your Messenger outfit it should be time to talk about your clothes. And I don't mean the clothes that you've torn through, though those are quite nice too.
: Thank you, though the breeze is quite nice...
*Nia leans forward and shoves her big ass towards the camera. After a moment she stands straight, covering her cheeks as she looks around.*
: Something happening?
: I felt as if I was being watched again, and I do not mean your readers either.
Whoever this is they're ruining the blog! I don't want Nia's blog ruined by plot after all!
: We already talked about her “plot” problems too... (Darn you overused jokes)
: It is okay, as they have not approached me. I cannot see anyone either, so you must be good.
Indeed. And on the topic of Nia's outfits, they're all really nice and cute. I will point out her Messenger bodysuit as it looks great, and I like once again how she's admired in the beach episode over Yoko due to showing more skin than usual. That said I like her normal outfit too, with a nice necktie and cute sleeveless dress. In general she does really well!
: Thank you for the compliments, Topaz. I will be honored to continue listening to your blogs as well. Though I am unsure of how... grand my backside will become if it grows further.
Don't worry, you can call it an ass!
: I don't think that's the part she has trouble with!
Fair. But we'll see how big you become once I finish up the blog, so let's get going!
*With that Topaz continues the blog.*
Nia is a wonderful girl who has a lot of great traits. It's hard to believe that she was one of the many daughters of Lordgenome who kept the humans underground. She was raised sheltered, though it oddly kept her athletic and even more than Yoko for some reason. But Nia is a very moe and adorable character, being quite cheerful and positive most of the time. She's like a ray of sunshine in the otherwise pragmatic (if hot-blooded) crew. She's also curious about the world, and has polite speech like an ojou would (as she's a princess it makes sense) but not exactly “ojouspeak”. She doesn't pilot too much, only in the movies but the Tengen Toppen Solvaria and its naginata are cool and it even has flowing hair like Nia. Unfortunately she does have the overly standard flaw of not being able to cook, or at least not cooking for most since Simon likes her meals. Sadly she doesn't do much after the time skip as she's quickly taken by the Anti-Spiral and used as a voice for them. It also means that she and Simon weren't able to stay together, which is unfortunate as they were a cute couple. Still, overall between the plot and natural cute and sweet side Nia does well here, and that kindness being inverted only serves to make what the Antti-Spiral did more atrocious. Nia is voiced by Yukari Furui who does a great job with her voice. She's also done roles like Nono from Diebuster (fitting considering being Gainax), Shizuka from High School of the Dead, and Mirei from Umisho among many others.
Grade: B+
Nia does decently in this area, and more if you read between the lines. She is very well-suited to becoming a couple with Simon as the two have really good chemistry. He even eats her food and enjoys it! Nia also seems very naive and innocent at first, but she has a lot of romantic moments. It is also mentioned that they did “what needed to be done” and in the week before their wedding the two spent their time on a deserted island. Unfortunately while they were about to be married Nia left as she was controlled by the Anti-Spiral. In better news SRW is good at saving people who die in canon, and as a result in SRW X while she does get taken overr she is instead “cursed” with a normal human lifespan rather than dying outright which is a far better fate. Still, overall Nia is really cute and seems innocent but that doesn't mean she doesn't have her romantic ideas even if she didn't “win” due to outside forces and couldn't remain after being “purified” by the power of love which is a shame.
Grade: B
As mentioned before, several times, there is a time skip in this series, and Nia is still effected by it. She does start the series at 14 it seems, which is probably more accurate than the cave dwellers like Yoko who probably don't know time as well. We see a lot more of her younger form though there is nothing wrong with that, and she is at a pretty decent age. The time skip does leave Nia at 21 which is a great age, even if there's the issue of her being mamocentric as mentioned prior. She's also about the same age as Simon, which is decent but I do like relationships where the girl is older. Still, overall with both a nice starting age and even better (for me) older age after a time skip Nia does really well in this area (aforementioned mamocentric issues aside, at least).
Grade: B+
Total Grades: 75
Average score: 8.3
Final Grade: B
And with that Nia's blog is complete! What did you think of it?
: Oh! I think that you discussed me quite wonderfully! Though I would have wished to have had more points.
That's understandable, especially since you're such a great girl! I blame issues out of your hands causing problems.
: Out of my hands?
*Nia innocently looks at her hands.*
: Oh no! Did I drop something!
Nothing of the sort. I mean more that you aren't the cause of your problems. Blame the studio not continuing to show off your ass after the time skip, as well as being mamocentric.
: I see, so it is because I have not shown off my a-a-ass enough? Is that correct?
Well, it's likely the biggest reason. Especially as your ass is fairly good and-MMMPPHH!
*Nia then turns around and smacks Topaz with her enormous cheeks. Fortunately the princess's fat ass was quite soft so he didn't take damage, though he was knocked down.*
: HEY! No isekai-ing Topaz with your fat ass!
: I am not sure what that means...
It's alright, as I deserved that...
*Topaz stands up and dusts himself off.*
Well, being fair I deserved being smacked. Zettai is the one who should be ass-smacked more.
: I think that's mostly for his foes these days. At least on-camera, as who knows what sexy shenanigans he gets up to after the blog is over.
Sounds like you have some idea of “sexy shenanigans” of your own~
*Ririchiyo cutely pounds on Topaz, though fortunately she doesn't deal damage.*
H-hey now!
: Speaking of l-lewd things, I do not like you speaking of my relationship with Simon in s-such a way.
I apologize if I was a little too blunt, but the two of you make for a great couple. And I don't just mean because he can eat your food either!
: Girls who aren't able to cook is an overdone trope.
Agreed, but at least Simon likes her meals. And being fair Nia is a very moe and cute girl who is curious but not annoying. She even uses proper speech like a princess should, not that I notice it too much has I'm dumb. I just hope that I did her dialogue properly in this blog.
: Do not worry. Just like your blog, I am certain your readers understand how your writing style is.
I would hope so, especially after all this time!
: Man this blog is old...
So am I.... But fortunately Nia isn't all that old!
: I am not?
Nope, as you seem to be teenage. Though being fair you do age up after the time skip. It is unfortunate that you become bustier as otherwise it's a great age!
: Too bad you waited so long to talk about Nia though. Imagine how funny it would be to have done her seven years after Zettai's blog on her to reference the time skip.
Darn it! But hindsight is 20/20 and unlike when I play video games I can't load an earlier save or rewind time.
: I doubt you'd be able to rewind THAT far back, Topaz...
: Still, I am glad you enjoy all my features. Or at least most of them.
Of course as you're a great girl! I'm glad that I'm able to properly appreciate your eyes, or at least more so than in the past! And of course we can't forget about your very cute voice either!
: Thank you for the lovely phrase... as well as my expanded posterior.
*She bows, her enormous cheeks which have burst through her clothes nearly knocking over a door. A cute voice comes from within.*
: M-my apologies!
That must be whoever has been watching us all this time!
: Hopefully it's not a ghost or something spooky like that.
: N-no... All that is here is a strange frog... or is that a cat?
*Nia points to a frog-like plushie on the ground.*
Oh no! Please don't tell me we have to escort Babi!
????: Eep...
*Suddenly a girl appears holding the frog.*
: I apologize for intruding... But I wanted to see Topaz's blog for myself...
: That is alright, as I do not mind having company. Though if you want to have a better idea of what happens during one of Topaz's blogs, you should have one yourself!
: A-are you sure? I had Zettai talk about me a long time ago, and by this point everyone has probably forgotten about me...
Nonsense! And it seems that we have met a girl for next week! Be sure to tune in!
: Though hopefully she won't be disappearing on us again...
*With that Topaz ends the blog for the week.*