Hey guys, one of my favorite pastimes on MAL is yapping to my pretend/non-existent audience, enjoying myself like I'm some sort of big shot that deserves to be able to do that. I guess MAL made me realize how much I enjoy the sentiment of believing that my voice is heard, especially when it comes to these vapid anime ramblings. With that being said, I've honestly gotten away that in the last couple months, I mean I haven't finished a seasonal since Sousou no Frieren in March, and I haven't finished a true "binge" of a completed series since Lycoris Recoil last August. Any particular reason? First off, I am a lot more busy than I have ever been in my life, but I am not so busy where I wouldn't be able to sit down and watch a series so I can write about it if I really wanted to. So there must be some concrete reason one why I haven't, right? I truly believe there is, but admittedly, I haven't found it yet. My best guesses is something about hate-watching an anime a season and the whole concept of watching to write and not just watching my favorites may have done a number on me, but I feel like I need to do some more introspection to really understand why I have stopped watching anime. The good news is, I have recently started watching the new seasons of some of my favorite series, Oshi no Ko and Konosuba, and I am admittedly having a blast, so maybe I can parlay these positive feelings into motivation for me to start watching anime again? Who knows if that'll work, only time will tell.
With that being said, I will commit to creating 3 writing projects, targeting the following release dates:
Oshi no Ko manga review: November 24th
Master Dectective Rain Code final review: December 31st
Mushoku Tensei Retrospective/total review: March 2025
Now you might say, "damn therealist68, those are some pretty lax deadlines, are you lazy or what?" Relax man, if investigate some of the things on this page for even the hottest second, you would discover that therealist68 is a bitch for setting unneeded and frankly unnecessarily strict deadlines on himself, which he proceeds to miss by a country mile and not say shit about, so this time, we are actually making realistic goals that actually could be met by my lazy ass! Congrats to me, and hopefully, I will see you on 11/24. Peace.