sometimes the overall score may not make sense compared to individual scores...but that's ok!
1: I would rather not have watched
2-3: Realy realy bad, you should not watch
4-5: Extremely generic story, nothing different at all
6: Generic story with some different things compared to similar animes
7: The story is good but I'll forget about at some time
8: Really good, with some generic points
9: Different from everything I've watched
10: Masterpiece, could watch it multiple times
1: They should fire the animation team
2-5: Everything like the famous Nanatsu season
6-7: Avarage animation
8: Nothing extremely different, but you can see the effort they put on it
9: Give the animation team a raise
10: Kimetsu
1: Don't know, maybe a anime without characters
2-5: Won't remember about any character at all
6: Probably just one character saved the anime
7: Some good characters
8: A lot of good characters
9: Almost every character is good, and some of them are legends
10: Almost every character is extremely good
OS (Official Soundtrack)
Really subjective, but it goes from a anime without song (if it is possible) to a absolute masterpiece
It is also determined mainly by openings and endings