This series is different from the other anime series I watched but different in a good way. The storytelling is amazing each character’s story is beautifully written, making each character unique and hard to hate. The series is amazing in exploring each character’s personality and growth, showing their personal struggles, how they overcome them, and how they change. Even though the story has some supernatural stuff, it still makes the characters highly relatable.
One of my favorite thing about the Monogatari series are its dialogues. Sometimes the conversations have more meaning than it seem, It’s not just about what the characters say, but how they say it and what it reveals about them. Every interaction between each characters and each of their relationships is amazingly well written.
Shafts way of animating this series is very unique and different from other animes but it goes well with the story. I don't think any other studio can capture the story of Monogatari perfectly like Shaft. The animation has little to few action scenes, but the minimalist style and unique ways of coloring just makes the visuals and dialogue come together perfectly.
The soundtracks are definitely also one of the reasons I like this anime. I keep watching the opening and ending songs multiple times I usually skip the OP/ED after hearing it once. The music fits perfectly for this unique anime.
But this anime isn’t for everyone. You can’t just watch it while playing solitaire on the side of your screen, you need to be fully focus in the story to really appreciate it. It’s a show that needs focus and engagement, but it is definitely worth it. I get bored with animes that doesn't have much going on, but I never felt bored with Monogatari. I was in love with the characters, their story and development, and the unique storytelling the series builds. I'm glad I watched this series instead of putting it off, I had drop this early on in Bakemonogatari but decided to just watch it fully, and it didn’t disappoint. Amazing characters, amazing story, amazing art and animation 10/10.