So quite some time ago I 'Planned to watch' Btooom! Though it was highly recommended, and sounded interesting, I just wasn't jazzed to watch it. Well- that changed tonight- I went through the season (only 1 to date), and I have to say it isn't bad.
This is essentially a anime adaptation of a 'real life' FPS game- which for some reason is played in 'grenades only' mode. Except personal weapons for whatever reason- you can have those too- apparently it doesn't affect game balance at all.... whatever.
Look, let me be honest- there is a lot of nonsense in this anime. It does occasionally do a clever thing now and then as a protagonist solution- but a lot of it is very clear rewriting and BS. That said, it's still not a bad drama- and it does mix together some interesting components to make a 'darker' anime. Even so, it's not a bad mix- and it does action fairly well- so it passes, though I expected more.
I was going to deconstruct a few of the technical problems of the anime- but seriously- it's late and there are too many. Besides, this is clearly a story which doesn't care that a firecracker can cause more side effects than anyone ever experiences in this becasue of supposed 'bombs'. I'm not crying for 'realism'- just saying their oversights/focuses are 'convenient'/critical as the writer sees fit.
This also cliffhangers at the end of the season- not horribly, but it is unresolved- just to let you know.
Other than that- I anticipate this series taking a loooong time to complete, so I'm probably going to ignore it for a few years- I just don't see waiting episode to episode happening.