Day 01 - Myanimelist still doesn't give a ranking towards hentai. This makes all of the true hentai fans mad. We all want an equal say in the MAL community by having Eroge! H mo Game mo Kaihatsu Zanmai ranked #1300 again. That dream will never become true. Hentai used to be ranked back in the olden days when MAL was brand new and easy to hack. Now MAL allows people to watch anime and create very useful blogs. But still no hentai rankings. Some people have joined MAL to keep track of the hentai OVA's they have seen but still no hentai rankings. We can create clubs and post interesting topics on a vast forum but, still no hentai rankings. Do you see the flaws in the system? We should be able to rank hentai. Hentai is just anime with a more sexual approach. I mean, viewers of hentai still watch it for the plot just like anime. All i'm saying is that, there is different strokes for different folks and hentai should have a ranking system again. If you don't consider hentai in the same league as anime then at least give hentai a completely different ranking system.
Day 01 - END