Yesterday I slept in and then went to bed early. So much for my first day off. Looks like I slept the first day off away. Now it is my second day off and I am still tired. I don't have anything to do except my laundry so I will stay home and rest. I walked four times to work, which takes about 25 minutes, that may be why I am extra tired. I usually only walk every other day not four days in a row.
It is a new anime season but I haven't done that much searching for new amines to watch. I have only added two so far this season. Both are new versions of familiar amines: Genshiken Nidaime and Recorder and Randsell Mi. I am still watching Space Brothers, A Certain Scientific Railgun and Arakawa Under the Bridge X Bridge.
Genshiken Nidaime features some new characters since some of the old ones have graduated from college.They are still near by and make appearances. I liked the first two seasons of Genshiken so I hope this new version will also be good. I have only seen one episode so it is too early to tell.
Recorder and Randsell Mi is the third season.( Do, Re, Mi...get it). It features the same brother and sister and the same joke. It is only three minutes long but I still like watching. Hopefully something new will happen. A new character maybe.
I am also watching two Korean variety shows, Running Man and We Got Married, and one Korean drama, Heartstrings. Heartstrings features two guys from CN Blue plus their music is part of the music score. I like CN Blue and I have seen the band members before on several variety shows. But that isn't why I started watching.
I couldn't decided what K Drama to watch. One of the K Drama sites that I visit has a popularity list so I am working my way down that list. I have seen some already, some I try but drop and others I keep watching.
Well time to start my laundry, eat something and start watching my shows.