[7:33:48 PM] Girlfriend Zeta: Time to see what MAL has to say on this topic
[7:33:55 PM] Girlfriend Zeta: http://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=1457554 :D
[7:46:54 PM] Josh: Probably nothing of value
[7:47:17 PM] Space Dragon (Ventris): They never do
[7:50:05 PM] Josh: How do you feel about that, Ventris?
[7:50:47 PM] Space Dragon (Ventris): My feelings for MAL are very similar to my feelings for you.
[7:51:42 PM] Josh: A deep, profound love?
[7:51:56 PM] Space Dragon (Ventris): No
[7:52:27 PM] Space Dragon (Ventris): An especially unsavoury creature I have to tolerate on a daily basis.
[7:52:42 PM] Josh: I'm like a bad anime that you must watch constantly rewatch
[7:52:44 PM] Josh: :D
[7:52:58 PM] Space Dragon (Ventris): I'm glad you understand :D
[7:53:15 PM] Josh: :D