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ZettaiBlog 151: MWLTF - Mother Who Likes To F-

WARNING: BECAUSE OF REASONS I MUST TELL EVERYONE UNDER THE AGE OF 18 TO GET OUT OF MY BLOG! OBEY OR I’LL BE DEFENESTRATED! ALSO BE WARY OF WILD ROAMING SPOILERS! YOU’VE BEEN WARNED! Welcome back. Last time I wrote a poor homage blog for Topaz and got pelted by killer tomatoes. Since sadly we have no clues on the villains left I might as well cover this girl who has been waiting for this blog two years, or so she claims at least. : So who is the girl again? Voice: Me! *lands dramatically while the camera focuses on her thong ass* : So much soma! *stares* Mistress, staring is rude. At least stare at her ass. Woman: Ufufu, now these are clear priorities. Though know I am known as... : This is definitely a mom so approved! : Not sure what has been approved, but thank you for that! Well, back when I had to score mothers a full month the Sadogers had to make sure I was not cheating the system. : And yet you did just that... Is not cheating if you go unscathed! : Thanks for the explanation! And thanks for bringing me at last! *hugs Zettai tightly* H-Hey... *blushes* : Tee-hee, virgins are always fun to tease. And sorry but I can tell! : Anyone can looking at all the pathetic fanservice around. : Nothing wrong with sexual fun! *puts Zettai’s hands against her ass* Soft... *blushes* : Assmen are rare, but regardless I love teasing them just as much. *giggles* : No reason for me to endure this... *leaves* : And now the boring one is gone, how about you start that blog? Head Hair Mercelida has blonde hair. Is long enough to reach her butt but not to cover it or at least that never happens. The spread is nice as well. Sadly the main flaw comes from her bangs as sadly they are the generic big middle bang kind, though at least she has the long framing bangs too. She also has dual long thin ahoge, something always silly. Variations include a ponytail that looks okay but nothing special either, another wavier and more spread ponytail that looks better, lower ponytail in the suit, and when younger really cute twintails. Overall not bad, but blonde hair is still blonde hair. Grade: B Eyes Mercelida has green eyes. This makes for a very bland mix with her blonde hair sadly. At least the shape is nice, since sharp tsurime always look great and contrasts with her daughters having very cute tareme instead plus eyes half-closed never hurt. Plus there was one time she wore glasses and that always helps. Sadly there isn’t much else to say, nothing great here but not horrible either. Grade: B : Hmm, heard most men liked blondes with light eyes. Well, chances are I’m not like most men. : But still really cute! *pets Zettai* Hey now... *flusters* : Hah, seems that my slave covers so many younger girls he’s defenseless against older ones. Body Build Mercelida has measurements, something always useful. Height and weight are 175 cm and 65 kg respectively so surprisingly tall and bulky compared to average, but nothing wrong with this since kinda fits anyway. Three sizes are 103H/62/95 and while at first they may look bad this is another Bertille-esque case of being better than initially looks like. While indeed Bertille is assier and less busty and so there are better precedents Mercelida is still one of the assiest girls out there as 95+ cm asses are depressingly rare. Also of note the other super-busty girl in the show has 113O/63/91 and that helps since comparatively Mercelida looks reasonable. On this topic girls with over 60 cm waists are rare so always amusing to see some. That said looking at her Mercelida looks nice, having a fair body as well as great legs and a nice ass as detailed later. Not to mention as a succubus she has bat wings and a cute tail with a heart-shaped tip too. Sadly being a succubus is her downfall since in this series succubus are with some exceptions early bloomers with emphasis on early, seeing as how Mercelida at age 11 was 168 cm tall and had 92 cm breasts which is just wrong. Luckily the series is rather generous and avoids showing this much, focusing instead on her at age 18 instead and while she looks the same that is far more forgivable. The weird part is Merce says she was like Asuha back then meaning there when she was 10 years old; now that was a massive growth spurt. Maybe succubi are Saiyans in secret. Oh, and while not sure if this goes here succubus in this show once they hit finally puberty need sperm to survive because I have no freaking idea. Worth mentioning though. Grade: B+ Butt Mercelida owns a pretty impressive ass, much like the measurements hint at. Not to mention she loves wearing thongs and other skimpy lower clothing that lets her show off nicely her ample behind for the world to enjoy; in fact bet that is her motivation too. There are some really nice shots of her bum as well. Sadly the score is not bigger due to lacking special butt moments; if only she had facesat at some point Naoya or mentioned succubi can be fed anally too this score would be even better. Grade: B- : If curious succubi can be fed anally. Any hole is good. That sounds... Good... *gulps* : Slave, stop being so Firion at things. Princess!? : No, silly, remember that I’m a queen... In more than one way. *pins Zettai down for a hard facesitting* HMMMPH! : Aaaah, feels really good! : Sadistic lady, think that you should do *whisper whisper* : Not surprise some find that arousing, if only I told about the things I’ve been asked to do... : Please keep that to your insides only. : Good idea, but this I will not! HRRRRNG! *farts loudly* HMMMMPH! *gets quite aroused* : Oh, wow, that really excited you so much! Never thought before farts could be fetishized, but guess you learn something new every day. *gets up* : Slave, now stop lazing around and keep writing! Clothes Mercelida wears quite a few costumes, often naughty ones. The most associated to her one is a dark blue purplish leotard with cleavage and a very cute heart-shaped cutout showing her navel freely to the world; amusingly the clothes Lotte wears also have this navel heart so must be a royalty thing. Even if one extra chapter pokes fun at the bare navel. Anyway the leotard is nice and even better by coming with PANTYHOSE for double sexiness. The costume also has boots and detached sleeves like many of Merce’s clothes for some reason. Another costume she wears at the end is a leotard in front but on the back is just the bra strip and the C-back which is awesome as I love girls clothed on front and naked on back kinda like the naked apron deal; also note she wears detached sleeves and boots like usual. There is also the bikini from the beach ep, memorable for its thong bottom. When younger she wears “clothes” that are just a corset with exposed breasts, detached sleeves, pastries with star shape, boots, and a thong with the non-sling parts in a heart shape. Calling this lewd might be an understatement and shows how naughty this woman has always been. Other, lesser costumes also include the frilly royal dress she wears once that looks pretty nice aside from having cleavage as usual, the suit with cleavage and pantyhose she wears at the school visit, the bath robe Naoya lends in helpfulness back in their first meeting, the sweater with tie he also lends her back then, a failed apron idol dress, another variation of her young outfit with a proper leotard added, and possibly other costumes from the manga I forgot about. Overall there is some nice variety going on, and the various costumes showing ass are great, but all the cleavage and chest focus prevent this from reaching superior scores. Shame. Grade: B Mind Personality Mercelida was born into the royal family that rules the kingdom of Ygvar as the third daughter. However that was bad as her two older sisters fought for the throne and ended killing each other so that by accident Mercelida got the royal throne. But since she was not interested in royal matters she would sneak even before said accidental succession, and often went off to goof in the human world or other places. One time she ended briefly stranded on the human world and that was where she met Naoya when younger, though still kind as he helped out her and in return she gave him sex without any remorse. Actually the sex was so she could get the strength to come back to Alfheimr as that is how her world was called, but doubt he minded much. Too bad she got pregnant and thus went in stork mode to deliver Naoya the healthy baby. And somehow she got pregnant right after again and had another daughter but this one she raised instead. Said second daughter is Lotte and the main heroine case anyone was curious. The whole family dynamics in this show are best not questioned. During the series Mercelida shows up every now and then to give support to her daughter or to the unlucky lucky Naoya when needed, but near the end she stopped the rebellion against her with sexiness because the soldiers all loved her too much. And then she let her daughter marry Naoya so now everyone lived happily ever after. The main thing about Mercelida is being perverse. Sure this goes in Libido and stuff, but give her succubus status this deserves some mention at least. Perverted girls beat repressed ones so that is good for the queen if nothing else. Besides that she’s pretty playful and has a fun and light-hearted personality that enjoys messing around and getting amusement all over. She can be serious when needed though luckily this is not often. Mercelida is a mother as said, and while she could be better she still takes cares of Lotte and has nice bonding moments while tending to Asuha as well. And due to being also a succubus she can fly and has supernatural abilities most likely, but the series never has the need to delve into this stuff. All in all Mercelida is rather solid and likable here, since the few issues can be brushed off anyway, but clearly she lacks the requirements to be top tier. Shame. Grade: B Libido Mercelida is a succubus so you can bet her libido is going to be huge. Has to be given her 3000+ men harem and how she has sex every night. That said despite this she still comes as a caring loving girl on these things. Besides, remember as said she needs to do that to live anyway. She even has a male sensor to detect men, kinda like my trapdar but more advanced. On top of that she is very open as has no age limit, welcoming from shota to older men. The shota thing is canon as that is how she got pregnant of Asuha after all. And just Asuha as people thinking Naoya fathered Lotte are simply stupid and forgot pregnancies last less than a full year and if you’re like Mercelida and have sex every day such things can happen. Go check Mahouka for another example. The bigger question would be why Mercelida had two daughters so fast and then remained pregnancy-free for a full decade. Moving on Mercelida is also awesome enough to like most sexual flattery, with the funniest example at the end of the manga when the soldiers all declare how she is basically their sex idol and all think of her when relieving stress and stuff, but then she just replies by taking off clothes and being pleased with the whole thing. Overall while I prefer people to be more devoted to a single lover is hard not to approve of the very naughty Mercelida and all her fun times, and thus her score follows suit with such school of thought. Grade: A- : For succubi having one lover can be tough! But that is what Lotte will be doing. : And bet Darling will end dry from that. *giggles* : Sounds like Zettai’s dream life! Sounds like my dream life! : Well, most likely Asuha will need to be fed at some point... Yes, but sadly saw how she will be when she grows up. Not cool. : Heard about that, like mother like daughter! *giggles* : This woman is fun. Age Mercelida is 29 and thus will not score well sadly, though could be much worse. For one she’s among the youngest mothers I’ve seen and that helps plenty. The flashbacks of her aged 18 are also quite welcome and helpful as well. Grade: C- Voice Yuuko Minaguchi has a nice voice as usual, and while I didn’t know this back when I blogged Akiko seems that she does a lot of MILFs so this role is funny and amusingly fitting. Mercelida also uses at time “Darling” to refer to Naoya and that’s pretty cute. Grade: B+ Total: 71 (B-) : This score is kinda low... Well, is not terrible either. If nothing else you beat the three legitimate moms you were going to be scored with and that is always nice. : Wait, thought that Meme was your favorite mother. And this is why taking blog scores seriously is as absurd as the people who complain about popularity polls. : Says the one angry at Hachiman being the most popular light novel male two years in a row anyway. Because screw Hachiman and his overrated posse. : Will do! ...Not like that! : Aw... Guy is not worthy either. : Is it safe now? : Yes, come out of the closet now. : Had to keep watch! Err, nothing wrong with that. *comes out of the closet* : Ufufu, that sounds funny. But before I eat up this loli there is something I need to do first. : Wait, what? : Here! *hands Zettai a sealed letter* Had no pockets so carried that between my soft buttcheeks, hope that was fine. Was fine. *reads the thing* Wow! : What? Seems this girl from a series Topaz finished recently wants to be blogged. : Hmph, so the blue one again. The pink one. : Now that is a big surprise! Right, about time a pink one got a positive blog. : So look forward to this next week!

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