Review system score tiering and top review distribution/calculation:
The overall score the user assigns to the review at the time of writing is is split into two (or three is better) categories:
Positive, Mixed, and Negative.
For scores 8-10, that would designate a positive review
For scores 5-7, that would designate a mixed review
For scores 1-4, negative.
If this were just two categories, then 1-5 critical, 6-10 positive.
This would be a behind the scenes means of categorizing them, and then assign either the most helpful or most helpful % (or any of these new sorting options) of each of the three categories to top review slots. If we're determined to keep 4 slots, then the 4th would be just the overall best voted one, regardless of score.
How to improve the quality of writing, and by proxy- the section:
1. Introduce a holding period on new accounts
- New accounts should have to be at least one month old at the time of writing a review. I can't tell you how many horrible reviews I've seen posted the same day, or at least inside of one week from throwaway accounts. A wait period would slow this down dramatically.
There should also be a set amount of reviews that cane be posted in one day, to prevent spam
A barest of minimum word count should be 400 words. That's less than 100 words per section, for each of the five- Art, Sound, Character, Story, Enjoyment, and that doesn't even include an Overall, preface, recommendation, or anything extra.
The average reader (high school level) reads at about 200 WPM. A 500-800 word review should take 3-5 minutes to read. That's an acceptable length for something you're interested in spending 25 minutes to 4.5 hours of your life watching.
Anything longer than 13 episodes I think should be more in the 1000+ range. You can't fully express your thoughts and interpretations/imaginings in less than that with 9+ hours of content to cover.
Oh, and ANN requires any and all reviews to be 800-1200 words, no matter the length of the show.
Many have said that score is the #1 reason the not helpful button was abused- as it's a simple indicator of whether the user liked or disliked a show. Not everyone holds scores to mean the same thing, however.
If scoring were removed, then the reintroduction of the Not Helpful button could be possible- as one would have to either make a concerted effort to read a review before deciding whether the author's views and the reader's views coincide, or at the very least, click the "show more" to reveal the button without reading - which some would not make an effort to do.