Back when I was a newbie admiral, I was trying to play Kancolle the most efficient way I can and there was a certain quest that you need to finish before unlocking the final fleet that you can spam expeditions for.
Of course mentioning it here seems... unnecessary but I think it was a very important moment for me. Approximately half a year ago, I mentioned that if you, Kongou (the last Kongou sister I did not have) appeared in front of me, I will promise to level you up to 99. By the time I made this promise, you magically appeared for me.
Thanks to you, I was able to complete that unlock fleet quest and have my final set of expedition teams gathering the resources and buckets for me to clear an event. It's all thanks to you that I still play Kancolle because without you, I think everything is going to turn out to be different. I am sorry that I couldn't level you to level 99 first, but I didn't promise you that. I only promised you to level you up to 99 with no time constraints.
But don't let that go to you. Because I want to thank you again for everything you did for me. You were able to perform well in the excruciating painful summer event whom I need to use you for routing. I think it was thanks to you that I was able to get Mizuho too.
Furthermore, you were in the fleet that brought me Graf to my fleet. I think I have thanked you more than the times I have for that, haha.
So without further ado, let's mark today that you have become level 99 and that I officially made my promise to you.
I was a bit disappointed in that you didn't get your MvP, you even had that double attack! Okay I was joking!
I can't marry you though. I have my eyes already set on Graf.