A mediocre, but extremely popular anime based on a video game-related light novel? I have no words to describe how shocked I am! Unfunny jabs aside, I did not hate No Game No Life, mostly because I wasn't expecting much from it to begin with. The most positive aspect of the show was the enjoyment I got from it, even with its flaws. The characters are amusing, the comedy is above average and the premises for the various games played by the protagonists are interesting (even if their developments and conclusions don't live up to promise).
The anime's flaws outnumber these aspects, however. Ignoring the plethora of problems intrinsic to bad harem series and the existence of an unbeatable protagonist, No Game No Life also wastes its potential to do something new with its main characters. Most 'overpowered' smart characters are lone wolves, scheming up plans by themselves and manipulating others to their advantage, but NGNL could've changed that with the existence of Shiro and Sora (Blank), a possible deadly duo that complements one another strategically. The anime instead chooses to give most of the dialogue and screen time to Sora, while his sister does barely anything to contribute to the story, instead becoming just another girl for Sora's harem.
The most glaring issue with No Game No Life is the method which Sora uses to solve problems and win games. A few of them are quite clever and logically sound, but the majority are so convoluted and nonsensical that they become more akin to Deus Ex Machinas rather than tactics, a theme that goes on until the very unsatisfying conclusion of the series, which boils down to "See you next season... maybe."
With all that said I do not regret completing the series, it was an easy to watch, short and fun distraction. I wouldn't recommend it to people looking for depth, but if you have a few hours to kill and are not in the mood for a heavy anime, go for it.