I feel again like a hopeless romantic girl again because of this anime.
I do really like Kyoya Sata omg! Where can I find a guy almost like him?
Anyone who could tell? Huhu this plot could really happen in real life right? tell me! tell me that it could! huhu I want my love story to be unique but..but huhu the way this anime flow and the way the characters act I WANT THIS PLOT TO BE MY REAL LIFE LOVE LIFE OMG!! Maybe you, who is reading this right now is pitying me.
Let's drop that topic then, I fall in love to my bestfriend named Molenz. His character is almost alike to Sata-kun but, he is way too different in a way that he is really a bad ass. He smoke, go to club, curse or should I say a gangster like. But his physical appearance aren't like Sata-kun okay? I just want to make everything clear lol.
I am like Erika and again not physically but, I am also persistent, wants to be his Kanojo, the way she got jealous and I am happy with him and feel secured with him. Yesterday, dated 10/22/2015 I finally decided to gave up my feelings to him because I feel hopeless and I know he will never like me back it's like finding the moon even if it's morning. In other words, IMPOSSIBLE!
That's all I just want to share this little thoughts of mine for those people who are interested to this nonsense blog that doesn't contain any lesson or a good english but yea I hope you smile after reading this. Have a good day!!