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Summer 2013 First Episodes

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Summer 2013
The Summer 2013 anime season has finally begun, and the barrage of first episodes has been as hectic as past. Plenty of these new show's descriptions pulled me in, and caused my newly sparse list to refill again. Last season was filled with a lot of show dropping, primarily from comedy shows. I like to think I am open minded with my anime, ranging from horror to slice-of-life and everything inbetween filling my tastes. This new season has already been filled with complaints about too much "moe shit". That is true to an extent, but there are some real gems that are passing through. However, my problems with last season are yet again carrying over to this one. The comedy shows are falling flat on their faces, and the serious shows aren't doing too well on plot explanations, although that is to be expected from first episodes. Here are my first impressions (first episode only) of each show I am going to be trying out this season.
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Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou
A show about a MC who becomes a dog and then gets to live with his favorite sadistic author seems like an interesting recipe for a comedy anime. While certainly interesting in concept, the first episode falls flat on actually making me laugh. All the easily spotted reoccurring jokes got on my nerves, and the one-off jokes never made me audibly laugh like some other shows. The OP and ED are fantastic, but the regular soundtrack is forgettable. The character designs are the best part of this show, and even then this season is providing better elsewhere. The one thing keeping me from dropping this, is seeing how the new characters act, and to see the overall direction of the cliff-hanger from episode 1. If the next few episodes keep at that, I may keep watching until the story gets boring. 4-5/10 average at best, boring at worst
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There is no need for a description of Free!. This is the show that many people in the anime community have been looking forward too. The unpandered finally getting their dues. While I am not the target audience to gay swimming pandering, I can enjoy the great animation, silly but nice soundtrack, the few jokes they toss in, and the overall direction of the plot so far. While the gay undertones are making me uncomfortable (coming from someone who has zero issue with gays), it will not ruin the show for me. However, it is still mindless and silly, and as such will be reflected in this shows score. I will not drop it, although some scenes may make me wonder why I haven't. Fuck the ED, OP is FREEDOM. 6-8/10 decent, can be great
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Rozen Maiden (2013)
There is no need to rewrite the plot of this show, as the first episode is a rushed recap. New animation, music, and overall tone is fine. Will need to treat second episode as the real first episode before judging it for real. If you have not watched Rozen Maiden season 1 or read the manga, do not bother watching this. desu/10 can't be judged
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Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C³-bu
A show about a girl who goes to an all-girls school academy that is overtly girly. However, she is antisocial and accidentally gets involved with the airsofting club. Of course this club is full of "freaks" and she is judged to be one as well because of her weird quirks like falling for cake traps and playing rambo alone in her room. This anime is the best one so far this season, and I am not joking. It made me laugh several times, the animation is decent, soundtrack is fucking amazing (combat jazz), and the overall premise is enticing. Even if it turns into a repetitive mess, it will still be better than most anime this season. Plus, all of them are crazy. 7-9/10 Surprise smash hit of the season, personal favorite
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Danganronpa - The Animation
A murder mystery anime based on a psp video game. A cast of zany characters are locked into a school and told to kill each other to leave by a talking bear. As an adaption, this show can either be great or terrible. The original game is considered to be a great piece of fiction, and the anime in theory should be too. How it is paced is everything. I have not played the original game so I can not judge how it is doing so far. What I can tell you is that the music is good, the character designs are some of the best this season, and it has potential. of course, I thought about that too for Mirrai Nikki and I hated that show in the end. We'll see in the coming weeks. 4-8/10 May be great, may be terrible, a toss up
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Servant x Service
I came in with almost no expectations of this show actually being good. However, in a sea of shitty comedy, this is one of the few to actually make me laugh out loud a few times. The OP and ED are good, and the potential is off the charts. All the characters in this lovely adult office anime are great, and the depiction of a work environment is great as well. Eager for more. 5-8/10 really good, but may end up average
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Love Lab
A show about an all girls school of lesbians and a few girls' want for straight relationship practice that may in fact turn them into lesbians themselves. This was the only show that was originally off my radar that i added due to some outside force. A ten second clip and gif lured me into this show and I was shocked. This is the best comedy show this season for sure. Almost all of it was funny. The animation is godlike for at least this first episode. Picked the fuck up and probably won't drop. Music is alright, but forgettable. 6-8/10 hilarious and filled with abuse, sleeper hit for me
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Kiniro Mosaic
Hawwo, wawcome to the lahnd of browken adorwable engrish. A show where the first 16 minutes are about language barriers, the show will be a slice of life surrounding japanese students as they interact with their adorable British transfer student from an exchange student program. The first episode nearly gave me a heart attack, but the show is obviously not going to be similar to the first episode's majority, so I don't know how it will be. Gut reaction says slightly above average at best. May be really boring in a couple episodes. Character designs and music is good. Boarbear FTW 4-7/10 too much possibility to suck, first episode is 7/10 though by itself
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Genei wo Kakeru Taiyo
A show about tarot card magical girls that is earily like Madoka. Had terrible presentation in comparison and the plot was left out in the fucking wind. I have a general idea of what is happening, but no fucking clue in the long run. All I know is despair and fortune telling. While excusable for a first episode, this was pretty bad case of no info. Character designs are alright and animation was okay, music was meh. Waiting for more before deciding if its droppable. ?/10 or 5-7/10 Better magical girl exists, but lets see if this one can prove itself later on like Madoka did
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Monogatari Series: Second Season Like monogatari? watch it. Everything is similar in all cases. OP was weaker though. This season is just a continuation after all. Sad about the lack of Araragi in the first episode, but the new senjougahara scenes were fucking great. 7-8/10 Safe bet if a fan
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Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi zombie people, gravekeepers, and mass murder. No idea whats going on in the long run. Intrigued. Nothing bad about it. Animation seemed alright, music set a good mood, and the pacing was good. Let me see some more. 6-9/10 mite b cool, fantasy edition
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Uchouten Kazoku Also a cluster fuck like the above anime in terms of plot. What I have gotten is a tragic tale and a lot of Japanese mythos as a guiding story focus. I am not knowledgeable in Japanese folklore, so maybe I am missing something, but so far the plot seems confusing this first episode. Still, the animation, characters, and idea still have me roped in. Lets see where this crazy tanooki crossdressing train goes. I want to be there. 6-9/10 mite b cool, Japanese myth and schoolgirl edition

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