Neo-Profile, 4 hours after the 3rd WW, 7:02 Pm

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"Everything with the word "Neo" is better
Otherwise, if you don't care...
FAQ Under construction
My waifus:
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Rating statistics
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Q:Why did you choose that username?
A: Well, Im not really fond of choosing an username. For many forums ive joined so far, the nick are usually based from an existent person I know or a celebrity.In this username, i decided to create one that could be hilarous for everyone who see this. In fact, its just came from a dream when a ghoul was inside an harem.
The reason I joined MAL
Just got interested again on anime & manga and found some random sites by typing "anime site" and thus I found Mal
First manga/anime read/watched
A: My first manga ive ever read is Doraemon, which i finished the original and the long stories franchise long ago, so my first anime was Doraemon too.
During my teenager, i got hooked to the Saint-Seiya franchise but i dropped it because it became too repetitive and boring. I may rewatch it sometimes, for nostagialia only.
Extended anime favs

Extended manga favs
Favorite live-action movies 2deep4u
And any further informations, just scroll down plz

1/10/15: 100th post reached 3/02/15: 200th post reached 1/03/2015: 300th post reached 13/3/15:400th post reached 08/04/15: 500th post reached 08/5/15: 600th post reached N/c: 700th post reached 29/08/15: 2000th post reached, wtf 30/08/15: oh it goes back to normal again 16/10/15: 800th post reached 100th anime: GiTS SAC SSS
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A final word