King of Thieves
Class: Caster
Alternative Classes: None
Gender: Female
Height: 141 cm
Weight: 34kg
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Strength: D
Endurance: D
Agility: B
Mana: C
Luck: B
Almost immediately upon meeting her, most would label Aladdin as a fun loving young girl, and most would be correct; though the assessment is truly understating this aspect of her character. In actual fact, having fun is Aladdin's primary motivator; even attaining the Holy Grail is more of a secondary objective, only undertaken because the process of obtaining it pits her against enemies that possess new and interesting abilities. Apart from the War, Aladdin will always relish the opportunity to partake in some new adventure or game, and in some cases could be thought of to have something of an attention problem.
Aladdin has something of an abnormal mindset when it comes to others. She does not think in terms of 'friend' or 'foe', and any attempts to relate to her in these concepts is bound to fail. Rather, Aladdin values whether or not people can offer her some form of entertainment, or possibly provide her some utilitarian function, so as to facilitate her ability to search for her own entertainment. She has some sense of loyalty, and in general will acknowledge and appreciate when someone does her a service, but if someone is not fun or useful, then they do not really register as a person in Aladdin's view. At best, she will not interact with such people, and at worst she will view them with contempt.
The phase 'brilliant, but lazy' neatly summarizes Aladdin's intellectual abilities. While she is by no mean unintelligent, she will usually under-utilize her intellect unless presented with a definite goal. When presented with an objective which she herself finds interesting enough to pursue; others insisting that she do something is not likely to convince her, Aladdin will pursue it with an almost single-minded determination, using any trick she has to achieve it. Subterfuge, trickery and emotional manipulation are all considered valid means of achieving her goals.
While she does not subscribe to the idea of 'friends', Aladdin will nevertheless act quite friendly to people by default. She can actually be quite charming when it would help her achieve a goal of hers. In some cases, charming the individual is the goal, which Aladdin treats as a game just as much as anything else. The 'friend' she obtains at the end is simply her prize for playing well.
Aladdin can be called possessive, but she does not place much value in currency. She will not flaunt any of the wealth bestowed upon her by her Golden Rule skill, instead viewing it only as another tool to obtain things that catch her interest or serve some purpose. She guards over people and things, of which there is little distinction, that she considers "hers" jealously, and will not tolerate anyone attempting to claim what is hers. Stealing from her, or keeping her from something she wishes to claim as her own, is one of the best ways to inspire anger in Aladdin, which is usually short lived but almost always explosive.
Class Skills:
Item Construction: The skill to manufacture magical items.
--: Aladdin lacks the ability to create magical items, due to never being a true magus. However, this is offset by having access to the Djinn storehouse of artifacts.
Territory Creation: The skill to build a special terrain that is advantageous to oneself as a magus.
C+: Through the use of her Djinn, Aladdin is capable of creating a 'Workshop', though it is difficult. Additionally, creation of magical traps to defend this area is amplified in both speed and effectiveness.
A: The Djinn's storehouse contains countless treasures and gold. Money problems are completely unknown.
Presence Concealment: The capacity to hide one's presence as a Servant.
C+: Aladdin spent much of her youth as a thief, and even gained the title of Queen of Thieves. She is capable of masking her presence, but this drops when preparing to attack. However, this condition does not apply to acts of thievery.
Silver Tongue: The skill to manipulate others with only words. Any resistance against mental affects will negate, but Magical Resistance is ineffective as no supernatural powers are invoked in this skill.
A: Aladdin is a master at charming others. Overtime, if enough trust has been built, She can convince others to take actions that may negatively affect their livelihood, though never something that would be outright suicidal.

Personal Skills:
Golden Rule: Measures one's fortune to acquire wealth.
Noble Phantasms
Djinn of the Ring
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Unit
Range: 1-30
Maximum Target: 1
A signet ring inscribed with fairy letters, usually worn around Aladdin's left middle finger, to which is bound a Djinn of moderate strength. Like all Djinn, it is capable of going unseen, but when visible it will generally take on two forms: a mass of ghostly, writhing snakes wrapped around the arm on which the ring is worn, or a more humanoid form of a young girl with dark skin and the lower half of a snake.
[color=red]Leraje is responsible for most of the magical effects that Aladdin displays in combat. Even when not visible, the Djinn's snake like form can extend to grip various objects, moving either Aladdin or other items. Its skin is durable, able to stand up to repeated attacks from Noble Phantasms of Rank C or lower with minimal damage, allowing Aladdin to hold her own in close-quarters combat. When fighting at range, it is capable of launching small snake-like projectiles.
Apart from its physical capabilities, the Leraje is also familiar with several spells and magical effects that can be activated as single actions, and are of a power found in the Age of Gods, making up for Aladdin's poor magical abilities. These spells include Reinforcement Magic capable of upgrading any of Aladdin's parameters by one rank, elemental magic, as well as spatial transportation of itself, Aladdin and similar sized objects.
Djinn of the Lamp
Rank: A+
Type: Anti-Army
Range: 1-800
Maximum Target: 1-999
An old oil lamp, made of bronze and inscribed with numerous runes. Bound to it is the Djinn of the Lamp, a much more powerful Djinn than that of the Ring. Like its counterpart, it is capable of going unseen, but when visible it appears as a large man in multicoloured, prismatic armour.
The second and more powerful of Aladdin's two Djinn, the Zagan is responsible for more long term or larger scale effects than the Djinn of the Ring. For example, Leraje it is able to affect spacial transference, but unlike its lesser counterpart it has much less in terms of limitations as to what it can transport. It is capable, with a small period of time, of fully transporting a large building completely intact from one location to another. In addition to being physically and magically more powerful than the Djinn of the Ring, it is also in charge of a large host of lesser Djinn, which in turn can acts as familiars for Aladdin and her Master. While powerful in comparison to humans, these lesser Djinn can only pose a threat to Servants through strength of numbers.